[Balug-admin] Re: [Balug-announce] Inappropriate(?) place for posting (Job Opportunity ...)

Michael Paoli mp@rawbw.com
Fri Mar 18 21:30:14 PST 2005

Yes, I'm very much inclined to agree.  I'd think the "announce" list
should be moderated, so that typically about one to a few messages per
month come out on that list (e.g. information about upcoming meetings
and other key BALUG events or particularly important items of note).
I think generally, folks expect the "announce" list to be quite low
volume (zero to a few e-mails per month), and highly specific and relvant
to BALUG itself.

Now that we've got an admin list together :-) and hopefully folks
working on it too, perhaps the "announce" list can appropriately be
set as "moderated", and relevant policy set and made reasonably
clear (if it isn't already).

Also, regarding "job postings" in general, not sure what BALUG
policy is (I don't think there's a "jobs" list, but there is a "talk"
list), but I know other user groups have a policy which is roughly:
it's okay if and only if you have an "inside" track on the position,
i.e. you work there or have worked there, or have some other quite
direct familiarity with the environment.  Anything less (e.g.
recruiter/agency, or more general postings), tends to be frowned upon.
Also considered "okay" (again, "inside track" type rule) is personal
(preferably brief, with link to or "available on request" for more
details, resume, etc.) posting on one's availability or upcoming
availability.  Not saying that such is or ought to precisely be
BALUGs general policy on job posting and such, but something like that seems
to work rather well for other user groups.  "Rules" could also be looser
for a separate "jobs" list, ... but then that may not be as useful,
as those then tend to be "just another jobs list" with not much that's
highly specific/relevant to the user group.

It's also quite appropriate for folks to show up at meeting and mention
openings they have or have "inside track" knowledge of, ... and also for
folks to mention their present or upcoming availability.

Hmmm, I also didn't see LINUX anywhere in that original posting!


> Is this really an acceptable use of the balug-announce list?
> Shouldn't it be limited to balug-talk or is there a balug-jobs?

> Roberts, La Rohnda writes:
> >Duration: Direct Hire 
> >Location: Richmond, CA 

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