Balug Admin:

With the help of Alan Duboff and Steve Lau, we have secured a new location for the September meeting.  (As a reminder, the Four Seas cannont host BALUG on 9/16/08)  The new location will be at Songbird's office at 585 Howard near 2nd street.  The location can hold aprox 75 people.

Three questions:
1)Given that the speaker (Ian Murdock) is likely to be quite popular and we have a limited amount of space, should we enforce a mandatory RSVP?

2)Given that we won't have the goodwill from the Four Seas kitchen, I'll probably windup fronting the cash for food.  Pizza/soda seems like the logical choice any objections? 

3)Given that dinner is likely to be pizza/soda should we lower the cost of dinner to say $8 or $5?  


Andrew Fife
Untangle - The Open Source Network Gateway

650.425.3327 desk
415.806.6028 cell