Hi Jorge:

Jim Stockford and Michael Paoli, who are copied on this message, are running point on the LUG booth.  While the booth is in BALUG's name, the concept is to share it with other local F/OSS user groups.  To the extent that members of the Norcal HUG would like t help out, I suspect that there may be interest in recruiting volunteers to help man the booth.  However, these decisions are ultimately Jim's and Michaels.

Thanks for reaching out.


Andrew Fife
Untangle - The Open Source Network Gateway

650.425.3327 desk
415.806.6028 cell
-----Original Message-----
From: Jorge G. Mare [mailto:jorge.mare@haiku-os.org]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 2:22 PM
To: afife@untangle.com
Subject: BALUG booth at LinuxWorld

Hello Andrew,

Please forgive me for sending you this email. I picked up your name and email address from this thread on the BALUG admin list:


My name is Jorge Mare, and I am the marketing lead of the Haiku project.
We are an open source project dedicated to the re-implementation of the Be operating system (www.haiku-os.org).

We saw that BALUG has a booth at this coming LinuxWorld, and that you were looking for other user groups to possibly share the booth.

One of our user groups in the Bay Area, NORCAL-HUG (www.norcal-hug.org), would be interested in using the booth for one day to showcase our open source OS (Haiku).

If this is something that BALUG would be willing to accommodate, please let me know so that we can discuss the details.

I look forward to your reply.


Jorge G. Mare/aka Koki
Cell: 209-740-9453