Quoting Rick Moen (rick@linuxmafia.com):
Of the two guys who called anyone who makes the effort and walks the walk of
open source and autonomous Internet presence a 'lunatic' rely,
one is a San Franciscan who relies on a
partimus.org Internet virthost
that he appears to not do anything to keep operating (that host being
not even an autonomous Internet server, but rather just a virtual-hosted
domain on Dreamhost, the specialty WordPress hosting provider terrible
at e-mail/mailing lists that BALUG's admins, mostly Michael Paoli and
partly me, ran a special project just to get BALUG off their hosting).
After enduring all kinds of s**t dealing with DreamHost in the past (which I've detailed here
& won't get into again), all I can say is anyone or any ISP stupid enough to continue to use
DreamHost deserves whatever happens to them, whether it be
server down time, horrible
e-mail/mailing list hosting or just plain old inept tech support (when an issue does occur).