And I did get around to fully automating the lists stats reporting,
it used to be a semi-automated/semi-manual process. I will now,
nominally, report once a month on the first (I timed it to
approximately coincide with when (at least by default) password
reminders are also sent out ... I figure that timing is
probably a bit less annoying ... and also gives stats rather fresh
after completing the prior month).
I may tweak the report itself further though ... notably might
get around to adding stats for the BALUG-test list ... but not
exactly a priority (I figure that's not all that important, and
only moderately interesting). Also, don't have data on all the same
days and as far back for that list, so report would need some
adjustments - at present it only reports for dates where it has data
for all three lists - not including BALUG-test.
> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli(a)>
> Subject: [BALUG-Admin] BALUG: Lists, stats, etc.
> Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2018 05:01:06 -0700
> dates, lists, number of members:
> YYYY-MM-DD announce talk admin
> 2018-11-01 861 274 39
> 2018-10-02 862 274 39
> 2018-09-01 864 274 38
Those are great list numbers... up 23% in roughly 4 months seems like pretty good progress to me!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli(a)>
To: balug-admin(a)
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2008 10:07:12 PM (GMT-0800) America/Los_Angeles
Subject: [BALUG-Admin] Lists: stats, etc.
Lists: stats, etc.
553+10=563* balug-announce/membership_2008-02-07
268 balug-talk/membership_2008-02-07
28 balug-admin/membership_2008-02-07
563 subscribers to "announce" (*I just added 10 that were subscribed to
"talk" and/or "admin" but not "announce"). As thus far no one's
requested to be added to the "exception" list (per policy, etc.),
that's a total of 563 unique subscribers (all of which are included on
That's up 8.7% from 518 uniques on 2007-12-28, and up 23% from 457
uniques on 2007-09-03………
BALUG-Admin mailing list
Lists: stats, etc.
569+2=571* balug-announce/membership_2008-03-03
247 balug-talk/membership_2008-03-03
28 balug-admin/membership_2008-03-03
571 subscribers to "announce" (*I just added 2 that were subscribed to
"talk" and/or "admin" but not "announce"). As thus far no one's
requested to be added to the "exception" list (per policy, etc.),
that's a total of 571 unique subscribers (all of which are included on
Lists: stats, etc.
We have 635 unique email addresses (all of which are on "announce"):
635 balug-announce/membership_2008-08-17
290 balug-talk/membership_2008-08-17
29 balug-admin/membership_2008-08-17
And, for as long as I'm aware of us having been tracking numbers, these
are count of email addresses subscribed to "announce" for various past
278 2007-03-22
277 2007-04-28
280 2007-06-17
287 2007-07-24
264 2007-09-03
304 2007-10-21
336 2007-12-28
337 2008-01-02
563 2008-02-07
571 2008-03-03
635 2008-08-17
Some updated list stats, etc.:
A fair increase (7.5% increase in total uniques) since I last checked
(see references),
list subscribers (does include also those with delivery disabled):
$ wc -l */memb*`date -I`
28 balug-admin/membership_2007-12-28
336 balug-announce/membership_2007-12-28
261 balug-talk/membership_2007-12-28
$ sort -u */membership_*`date -I` | wc -l
e-mail addresses that are subscribed to "talk", but *NOT* subscribed
to "announce".
$ { sort -u balug-talk/membership_`date -I`
> cat balug-announce/membership_`date -I` \
> balug-announce/membership_`date -I`; } | sort | uniq -u | wc -l
That will soon get "corrected" ... policy has been changed, and for those
that don't ask to be excepted, if they're on "talk" (or "admin") but not on
"announce", they'll get added to "announce" unless they follow
the procedure to get added to the exception list (this has been mentioned
now on the "talk" and "admin" lists ... I'll wait a few days or so for
folks to ask to be "excepted" - and then add those that don't ask to
be excepted to the "announce" list - I plan to do this *early* next year -
before we do our next send to the "announce" list).
I also restricted access of the list roster to the list admins - to prevent
potential abuse (e.g. by spammers). Those that have access to the balug
group on can also read periodically archived copies of the
list roster and backup copy of the archives (
Yes, and thanks.
Hopping to be able to give the lists some more attention soon,
but I've been relatively buried in other stuff the past few
weeks or so.
Did notice you changed the default on monthly password reminder to
no ... was hoping I'd get to resetting users on that to no
before this month's reminder ... alas, didn't get to that in time,
but hoping/expecting I'll probably get that wiggled in soon.
I've got earlier notes on the bit in the Python Pickle files,
and also have programs I used for dump/restore of user options (all
but password) when earlier doing list migrations ... and may just
tweak some of that code to turn the password reminder off on all the users -
at least for the shorter term, if not indefinitely (and probably note
which ones then got their preference flipped, in case there's ever
need/reason to reverse that).
See also:
(alas, even the "todo" list needs some significant updating)
> From: "Rick Moen" <rick(a)>
> Subject: Re: [BALUG-Admin] BALUG: Lists, stats, etc.
> Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2022 23:08:05 -0700
> Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli(a)
>> dates, lists, number of members:
>> YYYY-MM-DD announce talk admin
>> 2022-08-01 616 249 33
>> 2022-07-01 834 260 35
> My, I _did_ do a bit of cleanup, didn't I?
Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli(a)
> dates, lists, number of members:
> YYYY-MM-DD announce talk admin
> 2022-08-01 616 249 33
> 2022-07-01 834 260 35
My, I _did_ do a bit of cleanup, didn't I?
Lists: stats, etc.
For our three balug- lists, for as long as I'm aware of us having been
tracking numbers for those lists, these are count of email addresses
subscribed to each.
YYYY-MM-DD announce talk admin
2009-01-10 662 290 30
2008-08-17 635 290 29
2008-03-03 571 247 28
2008-02-07 563 268 28
2008-01-02 337 260 28
2007-12-28 336 261 28
2007-10-21 304 251 27
2007-09-03 264 258 27
2007-07-24 287 256 27
2007-06-17 280 249 27
Note that generally "announce" includes all the email addresses, and
probably is the best number to use for "membership" number if/when
someone wants to know how many members BALUG has. Of course we don't
force folks to come to meetings, so meeting attendance numbers are
another statistic (and we don't fore folks coming to our meetings to be
on our email lists either, so they're relatively independent numbers).
LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL
cd /home/balug/e-mail_lists || exit
ls -d balug-announce/membership_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] \
balug-talk/membership_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] \
balug-admin/membership_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] |
sed -ne 's/^.*\([0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}\)$/\1/p' |
sort -r |
uniq -c |
awk '{if($1==3)print $2;}' |
while read d
echo "$d" \
`wc -l < balug-announce/membership_"$d"` \
`wc -l < balug-talk/membership_"$d"` \
`wc -l < balug-admin/membership_"$d"`
done |
awk '
BEGIN {print "YYYY-MM-DD announce talk admin";}
{printf("%s %8d %4d %5d\n",$1,$2,$3,$4);}