[Balug-admin] Fortune cookies, etc.

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Jul 19 04:59:55 PDT 2007

Fortune cookies, etc.

Well, between 2007-07-17 and 2007-07-18, I managed to make several
calls following up on recommended bakeries for having fortune cookies
made up with custom BALUG message inside them.

Here's a (legible) write-up from my notes and associated memory:

Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co.
56 Ross Alley
San Francisco, CA  94108-1204
just got data (modem?) answers 2007-07-17 ... much better 2007-07-18
1-415-781-3956 --> call 1-415-399-9129 ask for Jennifer
individual wrap (I asked for pricing on individual wrap - I figure if
we're passing them out at LinuxWorld we'd almost certainly want them
individually wrapped)
cookie + printing costs ...
individual wrap $20 per 100 cookies (doesn't include printing)
printing costs (custom message, same message in all cookies - I figure
we can probably do the same message in all cookies - simpler, possibly
less expensive, and folks will be less inclined to hoard the cookies
for their "different" fortunes if they've all got the same message
$35.00 for qty. 500
$75.00 for qty. 5000
I was mostly asking about qty. 500 to 5000 - we're fairly likely to be
somewhere in that range (or perhaps higher if we come up with support $$).
That would be a total, of e.g.
$135.00 for 500
$1,075.00 for 5000
(presumably that's not including any applicable taxes).
lead time - need approximately one week

Mee Mee Bakery
1328 Stockton St.
San Francisco, CA  94133-3807
1-415-362-3204 ... ask for manager ...
$40.00 per 100 cookies (again, individually wrapped, includes printed
custom message (all the same) in each)
10% off at qty 5000
$200.00 for 500
$1,800.00 for 5000
(presumably that's not including any applicable taxes).
lead time - 3 to 4 days
message - 32 spaces/characters per line, 3 lines


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