[BALUG-Admin] (near final?) draft for "announce" - final to go out *late* today or early tomorrow

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 12 07:44:40 PDT 2008

"Just" a draft
draft subject:
Subject: Mark Shuttleworth at BALUG 2008-03-25!, and other BALUG News


I tweaked the RSVP wording slightly - hopefully not so much
that the % RSVPing isn't all that different.  We can tweak it more
substantially if/when we want on a meeting that's likely to have
somewhat lower turnout - with less risk regarding variation in the %
of attendees that actually RSVP.

I can totally snip out the Installfest section - just let me know.  I
think we should have *some* mention of it fairly soon (before the
information gets "too dated") but it needn't be in this particular send
to "announce".  Feel free to grab/steal/borrow any and/or all of what I
drafted on it in this draft.  Also, it might be best - if feasible, to
have a link to a web page (or wiki) that has a writeup, etc., on the
Installfest ... something that folk(s) can update as their's
new/updated information to track (e.g. additional press coverage noted,
information on additional planned Installfest, update/removal of URLs
that succumb to link rot, etc. ... such as a page hosted at Untangle?).
 Sure, we can link to a list archive posting (such as on "talk") ...
but that posting doesn't get updated - so might be better to link to
something that can get updated.

I'm running a wee bit behind my theoretical schedule ... anyway,
hopefully I'll get this posted *late* this evening, or rather early
tomorrow (give folks at least half a chance to provide feedback before
the "final" hits "announce").

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Subject: Mark Shuttleworth at BALUG 2008-03-25!, and other BALUG News
Mark Shuttleworth at BALUG 2008-03-25!, and other BALUG News

Mark Shuttleworth at BALUG 2008-03-25 (note change from usual date)
Additional upcoming BALUG meeting dates and speakers
Installfest for Schools
LugRadio Live USA 2008 in San Francisco
Contacts, etc.


Mark Shuttleworth at BALUG 2008-03-25 (note change from usual date)

NOTE SPECIAL MEETING DATE: 2008-03-25 (no meeting on 2008-03-18)
For our 2008-03-25 meeting we are proud to present:

Mark Shuttleworth[1] of Ubuntu[2]/Canonical[3].

Mark is founder of the Ubuntu Project[2], and also founded
Thawte[4] (which specialized in digital certificates),
HBD Venture Capital[5] (invests in early stage South African companies
with high growth potential) and
The Shuttleworth Foundation[6] (non-profit organization that accelerates
social innovation in Africa with a particular focus on education), and
also formed Canonical[3] (commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, and committed to
the development, distribution and promotion of open source software
products, and to providing tools and support to the open source
community).  In April 2002, Mark also became the
First African in Space[7], arriving via Soyuz TM-34 to the
International Space Station and spending several days there, and
returning via Soyuz TM-33.

If you intend to come, please RSVP to: rsvp@balug.org
Why RSVP?  Well, we probably wouldn't turn you away, but the RSVPs
really help the Four Seas Restaurant plan settings/food/staffing and
help ensure that we're able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.

Subscribe to our (low volume) Announce list[8] to be sure and be
notified of our upcoming events.

1. http://www.markshuttleworth.com/biography
2. http://www.ubuntu.com/
3. http://www.canonical.com/
4. http://www.thawte.com/
5. http://www.hbd.com/
6. http://www.shuttleworthfoundation.org/
7. http://www.africaninspace.com/
8. http://www.new.balug.org/#Lists


Additional upcoming BALUG meeting dates[9] and speakers (see our web
page[9] for more details):
2008-04-15 Eric Allman
2008-05-20 Jeremy Allison
2008-06-17 Andrew Morton
2008-07-15 Mike Linksvayer, CTO, Creative Commons
Subscribe to our (quite low volume) Announce list[8] to be sure and be
notified of our upcoming events.

8. http://www.new.balug.org/#Lists
9. http://www.new.balug.org/#Meetings%20(upcoming)


Installfest for Schools[10]

The (first?) Installfest for Schools[10] was held 2008-03-01, and was a
highly successful event[11][12][13][14] - with hundreds of systems
assembled and loaded up with Ubuntu and additional free software, all
made ready for donation to schools.  All made possible by Alameda County
Computer Resource Center (ACCRC)[15], Untangle[16], additional
supporters/donors/contributors - including also many User Groups (among
them San Francisco Linux Users' Group (SF-LUG)[17] and Bay Area Linux
Users Group (BALUG)[18][11]), and a quite large number of volunteers.

Watch this space for additional future updates / links to additional
information on the Installfest for Schools.

10. http://www.untangle.com/installfest
11. http://www.thejournal.com/articles/22165_2
12. http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2008q1/003914.html
14. http://www.untangle.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=355&Itemid=139
15. http://www.accrc.org/
16. http://www.untangle.com/
17. http://www.sf-lug.org/
18. http://www.balug.org/


LugRadio Live USA 2008[19] at The Metreon in San Francisco, April 12th &
13th, 2008

LugRadio Live USA 2008 brings San Francisco the unique atmosphere of
LugRadio Live UK, an event that has developed a strong reputation for
providing a range of topics about free software, Open Source, digital
rights, technology and more, a compelling list of speakers, exhibitors
and birds of a feather sessions, and wrapping it all in a unique, fun,
loose, social and inclusive event, which is often described as
combining the atmosphere of a rock concert and a computer conference.

BALUG may also be participating in this - along with other User Groups
in the area.

19. http://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/


Contacting BALUG: http://www.new.balug.org/#Contact
Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
things we should do differently): publicity-feedback@balug.org
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