[BALUG-Admin] (forw) linuxmafia.com 2024-06-04 12:02 System Events

Rick Moen rick@linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 4 22:01:26 UTC 2024

Just noting more weirdness for the record.  

Michael, I haven't yet opened a ticket with Comcast Business.  I want to
have a coherent account of what I'm talking about, and simple criteria
to show success conditions.  I _strongly fear_ that the root cause will
turn out to be SECURITYEDGEtm, that Comcast will refuse to disable it, 
and that they'll say it's now an integral part of the "BUSINESS INTERNET
ESSENTIAL" customer agreement [sic], and that they no longer offer an
alternative plan that omits it and still provides static IPs.

And if _that_ is the case, I'm really not sure what Chez Moen's backup
plan is.  (Also, I'm getting a bit exhausted by diagnosing and coping
with technology companies suddenly turning evil and customer-hostile.
First, my domain registrar, and now this!  Again!)

So, the weirdness below:  Is it really credible that Michael's
nameserver is suddenly sending NOTIFYs for
savingthedolph.in and sf-lug.org?  Why?  There haven't been zonefile 
changes, have there?

I'm starting to think that Comcast's middleman infrastructure is
artificially generating those, forging as alleged source.
I'm not sure why.  It could be either a gaffe in implementation _or_ 
a kludge to ensure that their infrastructure has current cached data 
at the expense of the real auth. nameservers.

On another note, is Aaron T. Porter's ns.primate.net, 
which is not primary but rather a secondary for sf-lug.org.  I have 
a faint recollection _either_ that "secondary sends out NOTIFY even
though it shouldn't" is common _or_ that I've seen this with Aaron's
nameservers before and never gotten resolution.  Probably I should 
just make logcheck ignore those from in its roles as 

----- Forwarded message from logcheck system account <logcheck@linuxmafia.com> -----

Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:02:01 -0700
From: logcheck system account <logcheck@linuxmafia.com>
To: root@linuxmafia.com
Subject: linuxmafia.com 2024-06-04 12:02 System Events

System Events
Jun  4 11:35:18 linuxmafia named[15622]: client received notify for zone 'savingthedolph.in'
Jun  4 11:35:18 linuxmafia named[15622]: zone savingthedolph.in/IN: Transfer started.
Jun  4 11:35:19 linuxmafia named[15622]: transfer of 'savingthedolph.in/IN' from connected using
Jun  4 11:35:19 linuxmafia named[15622]: zone savingthedolph.in/IN: transferred serial 1717526118
Jun  4 11:35:19 linuxmafia named[15622]: transfer of 'savingthedolph.in/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 8 records, 1082 bytes, 0.097 secs (11154 bytes/sec)
Jun  4 11:40:48 linuxmafia named[15622]: client received notify for zone 'sf-lug.org'
Jun  4 11:40:48 linuxmafia named[15622]: zone sf-lug.org/IN: Transfer started.
Jun  4 11:40:48 linuxmafia named[15622]: transfer of 'sf-lug.org/IN' from connected using
Jun  4 11:40:48 linuxmafia named[15622]: zone sf-lug.org/IN: transferred serial 1717526448
Jun  4 11:40:48 linuxmafia named[15622]: transfer of 'sf-lug.org/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 10 records, 1208 bytes, 0.089 secs (13573 bytes/sec)
Jun  4 11:42:49 linuxmafia named[15622]: client received notify for zone 'sf-lug.org'
Jun  4 11:42:49 linuxmafia named[15622]: zone sf-lug.org/IN: refused notify from non-master:

----- End forwarded message -----

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