[BALUG-Announce] BALUG TOMORROW! Tu 2012-11-20 Devin Teske on FreeBSD [updated announcement]

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Nov 19 21:31:58 PST 2012

BALUG TOMORROW! Tu 2012-11-20 Devin Teske on FreeBSD [updated announcement]


items, details further below:
2012-11-20 Devin Teske on FreeBSD [updated]
Book(s), CDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
new group/meeting: Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/BALUG_org
volunteering to help BALUG


Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
TOMORROW Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2012-11-20 Devin Teske on FreeBSD [updated]

Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).

For our 2012-11-20 BALUG meeting, we are pleased to present:
Devin Teske, FreeBSD[1] "src" developer - join us for an informal
FreeBSD Q&A session, which may include demonstration(s).

Devin Teske is a FreeBSD "src" developer (opposed to "doc", "ports",
etc. the "src" folk maintain the base operating system including the
boot loader, kernel, and all base user land).

What does he do for the FreeBSD project?

o Maintains the boot loader menu
o Maintain sysinstall, bsdinstall, bsdconfig, sysrc, and the
   install/configuration aspects in general

What does he use FreeBSD for? At his work, they use FreeBSD as the
platform for a leading check processing system.  Customers across the
United States have used FreeBSD since 1995 to process paper payments in
the United States.  As early as 2008, our customers had a new choice of
running our software on top of RedHat Enterprise Linux instead of
FreeBSD.  In the last year of 2011, Linux helped process $50 BILLION in
payments for 2011, but FreeBSD in the same year processed $1.7 TRILLION
in payments.  FreeBSD is still a very large part of the U.S. economy in
this way.

1. http://www.freebsd.org/

So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:


**Why RSVP??**

Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.

Meeting Details...

                        Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 2012-11-20

                        Four Seas Restaurant http://www.fourseasr.com/
                        731 Grant Ave.
                        San Francisco, CA 94108
                        Easy PARKING:
                          Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:

Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
              cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
              family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
              also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
              to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).


Book(s), CDs, and other "door prizes", etc.

Goodies we'll have at the meeting (at least the following):

Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A,
3rd Edition

CDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We do also have some additional give-away items, and may have
"door prizes".


new group/meeting: Ubuntu Hour Berkeley

New to Berkeley - Ubuntu Hour Berkeley:


Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:


volunteering to help BALUG

Want to volunteer to help out BALUG?  (quite a variety of opportunities)
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.



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