[Balug-admin] I'd like to help

Xavier balug-talk@xav.to
Tue Mar 22 21:33:08 PST 2005

Michael Hubbard wrote:
> Xavier wrote:
>> Further, with decent control over DNS, the timeouts can be decreased a
>> day or two before the transition, which would nearly make future
>> transitions smooth.
> Somehow you don't understand what a "hosting provider" actually 
> provides.  They usually only offer simplified control over things like DNS.

Usually, yes. However my current provider does offer what I mention.

Therefore it didn't seem as unreasonable as you make it out to be.
(I don't assume "dreamhost" will be around forever, and I don't assume 
DNS service cannot be moved if enough interest is there to)

BTW, good points all around Moen!
(I got caught up in the fantasy when I mentioned admin@)

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