[BALUG-Admin] (forw) linuxmafia.com 2024-06-04 02:02 System Events

Al awbalug@sunnyside.com
Tue Jun 4 23:57:29 UTC 2024

OK< I tried this script on several machines - all three tests fly 
through with no problem.
What network am I using?  In this case I am going over my AT&T 
Enterprise connection.
I should try it over Comcast Bus, but that would take me a minute... 
I'll go look at that.

On 6/4/2024 16:21, Michael Paoli wrote:
> $ time dig -p 5353 +tcp +nomultiline @ +noall +answer 
> sflug.com. SOA && time dig -p 53 +notcp +ignore +nomultiline 
> @ +noall +answer sflug.com. SOA && time dig -p 5353 
> +notcp +ignore +nomultiline @ +noall +answer sflug.com.

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