[BALUG-Admin] (forw) Re: Comcast Business apparently blocking 5353 UDP Re: linuxmafia.com "retry limit exceeded"

Al awbalug@sunnyside.com
Wed Jun 5 00:48:50 UTC 2024

Actually I take it back, must be the WAN address of 
Michael's modem.  That won't appear on a message from Michael, unless 
somehow NAT got involved in the modem?  Not sure if that's quite right.  
I think NAT would come from the last of the assigned static IPv4 
addresses, but IIRC I have also seen messages from a modem's WAN address.

Most interesting.

On 6/4/2024 17:43, Al wrote:
> I think "c-73-189-65-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net" is their naming system 
> for end modems, not internal infrastructure, but don't quote me.
> When I look up the names of routers in the traceroute I don't think I 
> see that type of name, but it may be that's an irresponsible poorly 
> verified comment on my part.
> For example from traceroute to Michael:
> domain name pointer 
> po-1-rur101.pinole.ca.sfba.comcast.net.
> ooooooooooooooh, omigosh - I just perfected a traceroute to Michael, 
> entirely within the CC network:
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
>  1  2.080 ms  2.743 ms  3.439 ms
>  2  14.028 ms  13.729 ms 
> 14.373 ms
>  3  12.757 ms  13.045 ms 
> 13.401 ms
>  4  21.023 ms  21.093 ms 
> 20.944 ms
>  5  26.011 ms  25.722 ms  26.272 ms
>  6  23.688 ms  21.156 ms  20.778 ms
>  7  22.077 ms  20.330 ms  20.215 ms
>  8  21.787 ms  17.686 ms 
>  21.466 ms
>  9  19.388 ms  12.456 ms 
> 14.255 ms
> 10  21.185 ms  36.832 ms  31.356 ms
> 11  36.366 ms  34.933 ms  34.918 ms
> root@routr0:/z/r/srv#
> It appears that 73.thing is in fact Michael's upstream router.
> Ok, did everyone else already know that?  Am I late to the party?
> On 6/4/2024 17:14, Rick Moen wrote:
>> ----- Forwarded message from Al <awbalug@sunnyside.com> -----
>> Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 16:29:04 -0700
>> From: Al <awbalug@sunnyside.com>
>> To: Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com>
>> Subject: Re: [BALUG-Admin] Comcast Business apparently blocking 5353 
>> UDP Re:
>>     linuxmafia.com "retry limit exceeded"
>> Rick, you're at the right place - that gear icon and right side panel
>> on business.comcast.com is just the right thing.
>> And I think the situation as you're outlining it is right to me.  So
>> the answer to your question, broadly, is yes I think you have it
>> right.
>> If you end up at securityedge.comcast.com, IMHO you've gone too far.
>> My sense is that all that stuff is disabled back at the right side
>> panel...
>> Once SE (security edge) is disabled I think everything is.  That
>> said, you're being smart about it - if symptoms persist, drill down
>> and look into individual
>> settings for various elements of SE and just make sure they're all off
>> - in case Comcast can't quite sort out how to actually disable stuff.
>> AFAIK however your nets (yours and Michaels) are unrestricted.
>> My tests from here are that access to both and
>> on port 53 is not blocked (and not just those /32s but
>> the entire subnet in each case).
>> I am looking back over email from the last few days trying to sort out
>> where crept into the conversation.
>> As I mentioned I have been unable to focus sufficiently on this the
>> last few days, and missed where that came from.
>> I also haven't looked closely enough at the discussion to see if what
>> I am trying to reproduce isn't exactly where you're having trouble.
>> I'll go back over the notes and see if I can pay more attention to the
>> details and whether I can actually add any insight to the discussion.
>> Al
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>> To clarify, I noticed "" as the source of NOTIFYs for
>> Michael's domains, which can legitimately come _only_ from Michael's
>> authoritative nameserver, IP
>> And is Comcast's _own_ IP, not Michael's.
>> :r! dig -x +short
>> c-73-189-65-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net.
>> So, something is rotten, there.  I'm immediately inclined to suspect
>> that Comcast is playing man-in-the-middle games with DNS traffic.
>> Which, if true, suggest Comcast acting like a rogue state security
>> agency or one operating on behalf of a totalitarian state.  Not a good
>> look.
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