[BALUG-Admin] (forw) Re: Comcast Business apparently blocking 5353 UDP Re: linuxmafia.com "retry limit exceeded"

Rick Moen rick@linuxmafia.com
Wed Jun 5 01:14:01 UTC 2024

Quoting Al (awbalug@sunnyside.com):

> Actually I take it back, must be the WAN address of
> Michael's modem.  That won't appear on a message from Michael,
> unless somehow NAT got involved in the modem?  Not sure if that's
> quite right.  I think NAT would come from the last of the assigned
> static IPv4 addresses, but IIRC I have also seen messages from a
> modem's WAN address.

Interest, if so -- but nonetheless completely improper.  NOTIFY 
should only ever come from the domain master nameserver's IP.

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