[Balug-Announce] reminder: BALUG 2007-09-18: John D. Mitchell, Chief Architect, Krugle: How Source Code Search is Revolutionizing Open Source Software Development ... and What it Means for Linux Users

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu
Sat Sep 15 12:19:39 PDT 2007

For our 2007-09-18 BALUG meeting we are pleased to present:
John D. Mitchell, Chief Architect, Krugle[1]:
How Source Code Search is Revolutionizing Open Source Software Development
... and What it Means for Linux Users

Krugle Enterprise[2] is a vertical search engine for developers and
development teams.  krugle.com[1] is a public search engine for
open/free software while Krugle Enterprise is for organizations.
Krugle is built on top of a lot of F/OSS and deployed on Linux.

John D. Mitchell is the Chief Architect of Krugle -- a search engine
for developers. Along with developing and rescuing distributed
enterprise systems, John advises investors and executives on
technology and high-tech companies. Over the past 15 years, he has
been the CTO of ElasticMedia, HealthLogic.com, jGuru and the MageLang
Institute. John co-authored _Making Sense of Java: A Guide for
Managers and the Rest of Us_. He was the founder and contributing
editor of "The Tips & Tricks" column at JavaWorld. John writes
extensively on complex systems, development processes, computer
languages and protocols, open source and intellectual property, and
technological business risk management.

Door prizes!

Yes, we still have giveaway items (books, magazines, etc.)[3]  At least
presently, this is mostly stuff we got from/via LinuxWorld - mostly
generously donated books for User Groups from various publishers, but
also including other items (e.g. t-shirt(s), etc.)

For our 2007-10-16 BALUG meeting we are pleased to present:
2007-10-16 Paddy Sreenivasan of Zmanda[4]
(watch future announcement(s) for more details)

1. http://www.krugle.com/
2. http://corp.krugle.com/product/
stuff likely to show up as door prizes at BALUG and/or other UGs:
3. http://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-admin-balug.org/2007-August/000401.html
4. http://www.zmanda.com/
meeting time, location, and lots of other great BALUG information: 
Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) http://www.balug.org/

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