[BALUG-Admin] 3 out of 3 :-) Re: (forw) Your new balug-admin-balug.org list password ... list admins?

Rick Moen rick@linuxmafia.com
Thu Mar 30 00:44:09 PDT 2017

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu):

> Thanks, verified, etc., and roster for all 3 list now backed up.


> Anyway, now have access to the BALUG data again 

Except the archive.

It's a bummer that Dreamworks's Mailman setup doesn't give public access
to the cumulative mbox file.  As you know, _often_ the mbox URL can be
reconstructed from the public archive URL using a .mbox extension.  Example:

http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/   <- archives URL
http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug.mbox/sf-lug.mbox  <-cumulative mbox

However, Dreamhost has configured its setup in such a way as to sabotage
that function, so I guess at the time of cutover, someone will need to
file a trouble ticket asking Dreahost's NOC to furnish the mbox

> 3rd list admin?  I could peek at my notes ... seems earlier time
> we changed password we shared it among 3? - but I may be
> mis-remembering.  It was 2 or 3, anyway.

The main thing to stress is that there should be a third person who
_knows_ the listadmin password on behalf of BALUG, in case, e.g., you
and I get run over by the same bus.  It needn't be someone willing and
able to do administration.

Speaking of, feel invited to add yourself to the roster of 'list
administrator email addresses' (General Options) on balug-talk,
balug-announce, and balug-talk.  Currently, only I get administrative

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