[BALUG-Admin] Comcast Business apparently blocking 5353 UDP Re: linuxmafia.com "retry limit exceeded"

Rick Moen rick@linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 4 22:31:03 UTC 2024

Quoting Al (awbalug@sunnyside.com):

> A quick note on SecurityEdgeTM.  I did not, on my site, go to the
> settings for SecurityEdgeTM - instead I stayed on the main
> business.comcast.com page and disabled the entire product.  I
> suspect that is more effective, but I admit I'm not reading your
> posts as thoroughly as I should.
> Specifically, I go to page
> "https://business.comcast.com/connectivity/internetdashboard/?index"
> (when logged in) and in the lower left, there's a gear symbol next
> to the status of SecurityEdge, and clicking on that gives me a
> pop-up side panel where I can disable the entire product.

When I start (logged in) at
https://business.comcast.com/connectivity/internetdashboard/?index and
scroll to the lower left, I see under header CYBERSECURITY this sort of

  CB SecurityEdgeTM

    o  Disabled        [gear icon]

(I believe this reflects my previous attempts to disable SecurityEdge,
which disabled _most_ of it, allegedly.)

Clicking on the gear icon, I see a pop-up side panel (flush-right),


  Help protect connected devices againt malware, randomware, phishing,
  and botnet attacks. 


That having been said, if I follow a "VISIT SECURITYEDGE" link 
(there are various ways to get there), and end up at
https://securityedge.comcast.com/#home , what I see is

   Web Filters:  OFF [slide control]

Under Settings tab, I see section "Web Filters" where I elected "None"
as opposed to the default setting "Light", below that section "Content
Restriction Schedule" slide control set to OFF, below that section
Internet Off where slide control Off-Hourse Internet Schedule is set to
OFF, below that section Internet Security where slide control "Malware
and Phishing Protection" is set to ON and greyed out so this control
cannot be toggled by the customer.  

Below that, section Search Protection has three checkbox items of
"search filter" items that can be enabled, none of which is enabled.

My understanding is that I'd already (a couple of days ago, after seeing
the tip from your good self about SecurityEdge no longer being optional
for Comcast Business accounts, turned off all of SecurityEdge that I'm
allowed to turn off.

That sound correct?

> I also did try this command:
> dig -p 5353 @ balug.org
> and had no trouble at all with it.

Yes, that's going to at least _one_ item I'm going to demand that 
Comcast Busienss cease breaking.  It occurs to me, in that regard,
that I need to be able to prove that this command _should_ work.
Fortunately, I can also ssh into your sunnyside.com host, and
cross-check there.  So, thank you for confirming that I can use that.

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