Aaron, I seem to no longer have Michael's upthread posting around, so I'm keying off your post to respond to him.
Michael Paoli wrote:
I changed the archiving of BALUG-Test from (default of) monthly, to yearly, that's all fine and good *except* ... archiving looks a bit funky ... notably changing that setting doesn't retroactively change what's already been archived, so, e.g. on https://temp.balug.org/pipermail/balug-test/ we see something that looks approximatley like: Archive ... August 2017: ... July 2017: ... 2017: ...
Fix that using /var/lib/mailman/bin/arch to re-gen the archive, like:
$ su - # su - list $ cd /var/lib/mailman $ bin/arch -q --wipe balug-test archives/private/balug-test.mbox/balug-test.mbox $ exit # exit $
You don't want to be the root user, or you'll end up having to later retroactively chown to list:list the generated archves. (I've made that mistake a time or three. Maybe you just figured that out. ;-> )
/var/lib/mailman/bin/arch will set permissions right. Just don't run it as the wrong user.
(The 'arch' in $PATH is of course something else entirely.)