Sent as an FYI....
Oakland's Sudo Room[1] is hosting a CryptoParty-Sunday
this weekend, on Sunday 2016-02-28, from 2pm to 5pm[2]
Brief event description...
~~~~~~~~~~ quoting ~~~~~~~~~
Confused about the Apple/FBI fight? Interested in protecting the
privacy and liberty of US Citizens and even the world?
We’ll teach you how to use common encryption technologies like
Signal, Tor, and password managers. We’d also like to have speakers,
email jehan.tremback(a) if you’d like to present.
Despite the likelihood that it will be a more basic event than my
Subject line might otherwise indicate, I believe that GnuPG[3] will
be functionally explained here (for those who don't already know
and use it), and keysigning will happen here as well for those who
request it.
Further event links are Sudo Room's in-house event page[4] and
Facebook's event page[5].
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--- Michael.Paoli(a) wrote:
> Hmmmm, I'm curious how regular their "weekly" meetings are.
Hmmmm, in that case, you might want to consider fulfilling your curiosity about Noisebridge's weekly meetings by posting directly to their Discussion mailing list[1] yourself. If you are somehow unwilling to do so, then would you prefer someone else (e.g., myself) to post to NB's active Discussion list on this topic on your behalf? Just offering....
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--- spwhitton(a) wrote:
I've recently become involved in Debian [1], and several sponsors of my packages have suggested that I apply for Debian Maintainer status. So I'm looking to get the signatures of two or three DDs on my PGP key.
Unfortunately, there are no DDs near where I live. Fortunately, I'm planning to visit San Francisco & Stanford University from the 15th to the 19th of March.
Please let me know if there are any keysigning events planned, or if you are a DD who would be interested in meeting me to exchange signatures.
*==> Besides the various Bay Area LUG's, you might also want to check out the Noisebridge Hackerspace[1] in SF's Mission District.
Noisebridge has a decent PGP-keysigning page[2], they have a scheduled Tuesday night meeting[3] on March 15th (if that coincides with your visit), and you could also easily submit a keysigning-event query to their Discussion mailing-list[4].
OTOH, if you're primarily going to be around the Stanford area during the time your visit, you could also consider dropping by Mountain View's Hacker Dojo[5] for this purpose, located less than a 1/2hr by car from the University.
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I've recently become involved in Debian [1], and several sponsors of my
packages have suggested that I apply for Debian Maintainer status. So
I'm looking to get the signatures of two or three DDs on my PGP key.
Unfortunately, there are no DDs near where I live. Fortunately, I'm
planning to visit San Francisco & Stanford University from the 15th to
the 19th of March.
Please let me know if there are any keysigning events planned, or if you
are a DD who would be interested in meeting me to exchange signatures.
Sean Whitton