Quoting Michael Paoli <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu> from [1]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for the report, but I'm unable to reproduce the issue. Anyone else able to reproduce it? Are you/anyone seeing the issue at this time? Anyone else also see it earlier?
I've tried the following on: https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php without being able to reproduce the issue: Chromium Chromium incognito mode Firefox Firefox private browsing mode Lynx curl wget Chome on Android from another ISP Chrom icognito mode on Android from another ISP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cut-and-pasted a text screen-capture and submitted it as a [BALUG-Test] 'Test of BALUG Wiki pages' posting yesterday morning; see [2]. AFAICT, that "blankness or editing outline-only issue" for BALUG DokuWiki pages [3] and [4] occurred from before 08:00am PDT up through the late morning, and then went away by mid-afternoon yesterday. Probably reloaded both those BALUG DokuWiki pages a half-dozen times or so over the morning time-period using mostly Firefox-ESR standard mode and Firefox-ESR private browsing mode, and maybe once or twice using TOR browser in its [least] Safe mode.
Same results for all browsers used to test those pair of pages during that entire morning time-period.
Quoting Michael Paoli <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu> from [5]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That may have done it. Looks like I need to add more space to /var and/or clean some more stuff off of it: df -h /var Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/balug-var 4.9G 4.5G 190M 97% /var # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks much, Michael, for effectively diagnosing and resolving the issue! :-)
Besides considering the issue arising from the DokuWiki site itself or BALUG's device /dev/mapper/balug-var, was also considering the possibility that the issue might have arisen from my own browser client.
Why so?
Well, there was no issue whatsoever with successfully loading BALUG DokuWiki pages [3] and [4] throughout Sunday and Monday of this week. What changed on Tuesday afternoon was upgrading Firefox-ESR to a slightly higher, minor version as per 'less /var/log/apt/history.log' :
Start-Date: 2021-04-20 14:10:03 Commandline: apt upgrade Upgrade: firefox-esr:amd64 (78.9.0esr-1~deb10u1, 78.10.0esr-1~deb10u1) End-Date: 2021-04-20 14:10:15
One or more bugs in the upgraded FF 78.10.0esr could have conceivably rendered text and links in the BALUG DokuWiki incorrectly afterwards, as remote as this possibility might seem to be. It's good to know that this wasn't the case at all, and that this latest Firefox-ESR browser was fine after all :-)
Thanks again Michael!
=========================== REFERENCES =========================== [1]https://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-talk/2021-April/000220.html [2]https://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-test/2021/000048.html [3]https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php [4]https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:offered_wanted_hardware_et... [5]https://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-talk/2021-April/000221.html ===========================