Okay, ... I'll send out announcement to the announce list shortly
(unless someone happens to beat me to it) ... I'm working on putting
that item together now, ... I'll see if I easily find on-line information
relevant to our presenter and/or stuff it looks like Moshe will be
covering, and if so I'll also include relvant link(s).
Quoting Larry Platzek <larryp(a)inow.com>:
> Michael, This is the only infomation I was supplied.
> I did find June 2005 Linux Format Magazine does have an article on xen.
> http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/
> I have not seen article online but I have no time to search.
> I do not expect to be online until Monday night.
> Do what you can about postings for the June balug meeting.
> Thank You!
> Larry Platzek larryp(a)inow.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:04:30 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Larry Platzek <larryp(a)inow.com>
> To: Michael.Paoli(a)cal.berkeley.edu
> Cc: Bruce Badger <bbadger(a)openskills.com>, Gregory Sutter
> <gsutter(a)zer0.org>,
> ba-keysign(a)zer0.org, balug-admin-balug.org(a)lists.balug.org
> Subject: Re: [Balug-admin] keysigning at (BALUG? Re: Visiting SF on
> 20th-22nd
> June)
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Michael Paoli wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 08:56:58 -0700
> > From: Michael Paoli <mp(a)rawbw.com>
> > Reply-To: Michael.Paoli(a)cal.berkeley.edu
> > To: Bruce Badger <bbadger(a)openskills.com>, Gregory Sutter
> <gsutter(a)zer0.org>
> > Cc: ba-keysign(a)zer0.org, balug-admin-balug.org(a)lists.balug.org
> > Subject: [Balug-admin] keysigning at (BALUG? Re: Visiting SF on 20th-22nd
> > June)
> >
> > Perhaps a bit late, but would you (re)consider ...
> > BALUG[1] meets on the evening of 2005-06-21 (generally 3rd Tuesdays).
> > BALUG does have a program/speaker for the 21st, however
> > meet/greet/keysigning would work rather well*.
> > As BALUG hasn't done a keysigning or keysigning event at least within the
> > past year or more, doing such at BALUG may better cross-polinate
> keysigning.
> > As BAD[2] just met at 21st Amendment earlier this month (including
> > keysigning) this might be somewhat redundant for folks and not
> > create as much cross-keysigning. As BALUG meets on 2005-06-21 (in
> > Chinatown),
> > having both on the same evening also could result in some
> crowd-splitting,
> > reducing attendence at both.
> > Both locations (BALUG regular meeting location, and 21st Amendment)
> > are approximately equally accessible via BART and other public
> > transportation (both a moderate walk from BART).
> > BALUG meetings are $10.00 USD for dinner (see BALUG site for details).
> >
> > I'm guestimating doing this at BALUG would sound fine to the BALUG
> > folks in general, but (if and) until the keysigning event is
> > "officially" moved to BALUG, I just included
> > balug-admin-balug.org(a)lists.balug.org
> > and not yet
> > balug-talk-balug.org and/or
> > balug-announce-balug.org
> > Hmmmm, I don't see that anything has (yet) gone out to
> > balug-announce-balug.org
> > regarding BALUG's speaker for 2005-06-21 ... perhaps if it's (shortly)
> agreed
> > to move the keysigning to BALUG, BALUG announcement can go out soon, and
> > cover
> > both.
> >
> > references/excerpts/footnotes:
> > 1. http://www.balug.org/
> > 2. http://bad.debian.net/
> > http://zer0.org/mailman/listinfo/ba-keysign/
> > http://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/date.html
> > http://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/000143.html
> > http://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/000147.html
> > *Mostly from start of and/or before BALUG meeting proper through until
> > start of presentation/speaker - that would allow for about an hour's
> time,
> > e.g. some folks show up at the
> > bar as early as 6:30 P.M., meeting proper starts at 7:00 P.M., food
> arrives
> > a bit later, presentation/speaker typically starts around round 7:45 P.M.
> -
> > 8:00 P.M. and runs typically through about 9:00 P.M. That well leaves
> > most of 7:00 P.M. - approx. 7:45 P.M. available for keysigning, and can
> > also include additional time for those who show up earlier (as early as
> > 6:30 P.M.
> >
> > Quoting Bruce Badger <bbadger(a)openskills.com>:
> >
> >> I will be visiting San Francisco this month. I arrive on the evening of
> >> 20th June, and leave on the afternoon of the 22nd.
> >>
> >> Ben Hartshorne suggest that I post here to see if anyone would be
> >> meeting up for some keysigning on the evening of the 20th or 21st.
> >>
> >> I have subscribed to this list, so either post back here or mail me
> >> directly if you are interested.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Balug-admin-balug.org mailing list
> > Balug-admin-balug.org(a)lists.balug.org
> > http://lists.balug.org/listinfo.cgi/balug-admin-balug.org
> >
> I have no objection to having keysigning from 6:40P< unitill dinner and 5-19
> minutes of speaking time after dinner.
> I also would think having a meeting with keysigning as the topic would be
> good
> at some future meeting. Anyone what to do it? Anyone want to arrange it?
> Sorry no one replied sooner but I did ask Dick to reply woth our opions.
> I am scheduled to spend time away email and be out of town untill Monday
> afternoon.
> I hope someone will send out the meeting reminder!
> I hope someone will take meeting notes and have the notes on the Balug
> website!
> I may be at Balug meeting for June meeting.
> My wife and I have been having medical problems (not related)!
> Larry Platzek larryp(a)inow.com
Perhaps a bit late, but would you (re)consider ...
BALUG[1] meets on the evening of 2005-06-21 (generally 3rd Tuesdays).
BALUG does have a program/speaker for the 21st, however
meet/greet/keysigning would work rather well*.
As BALUG hasn't done a keysigning or keysigning event at least within the
past year or more, doing such at BALUG may better cross-polinate keysigning.
As BAD[2] just met at 21st Amendment earlier this month (including
keysigning) this might be somewhat redundant for folks and not
create as much cross-keysigning. As BALUG meets on 2005-06-21 (in Chinatown),
having both on the same evening also could result in some crowd-splitting,
reducing attendence at both.
Both locations (BALUG regular meeting location, and 21st Amendment)
are approximately equally accessible via BART and other public
transportation (both a moderate walk from BART).
BALUG meetings are $10.00 USD for dinner (see BALUG site for details).
I'm guestimating doing this at BALUG would sound fine to the BALUG
folks in general, but (if and) until the keysigning event is
"officially" moved to BALUG, I just included
and not yet
balug-talk-balug.org and/or
Hmmmm, I don't see that anything has (yet) gone out to balug-announce-balug.org
regarding BALUG's speaker for 2005-06-21 ... perhaps if it's (shortly) agreed
to move the keysigning to BALUG, BALUG announcement can go out soon, and cover
1. http://www.balug.org/
2. http://bad.debian.net/http://zer0.org/mailman/listinfo/ba-keysign/http://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/date.htmlhttp://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/000143.htmlhttp://zer0.org/pipermail/ba-keysign/2005-June/000147.html
*Mostly from start of and/or before BALUG meeting proper through until
start of presentation/speaker - that would allow for about an hour's time,
e.g. some folks show up at the
bar as early as 6:30 P.M., meeting proper starts at 7:00 P.M., food arrives
a bit later, presentation/speaker typically starts around round 7:45 P.M. -
8:00 P.M. and runs typically through about 9:00 P.M. That well leaves
most of 7:00 P.M. - approx. 7:45 P.M. available for keysigning, and can
also include additional time for those who show up earlier (as early as
6:30 P.M.
Quoting Bruce Badger <bbadger(a)openskills.com>:
> I will be visiting San Francisco this month. I arrive on the evening of
> 20th June, and leave on the afternoon of the 22nd.
> Ben Hartshorne suggest that I post here to see if anyone would be
> meeting up for some keysigning on the evening of the 20th or 21st.
> I have subscribed to this list, so either post back here or mail me
> directly if you are interested.
Short version: Robert Austin Company has bit the dust, giving us an
opportunity and motive to fix up a lingering mess on the BALUG pages.
Suggested fix is eliminate mention of RobAusCo (and related directions &
map) and link to CABAL meetings as "meeting/installfests".
Long version:
Long-time BALUG people will remember the 100% Linux-based CoffeeNet
Internet cafe in SoMa. I helped build the place, and lived in an
apartment over it. A lot of the Bay Area Linux community revolved
around that building.
Another tenant at the building, in a downstairs room behind the coffee
house, starting '94, was San Francisco PC User Group. SFpcUG was a
disaster as a tenant and moved out in '97, but had one very successful
SIG, the Linux SIG, that met in SFpcUG's room twice a month (2nd and 4th
Saturdays, 4 PM).
When SFpcUG pulled out, the new tenant, Don Marti and Jim Gleason's
open source consulting firm Electric Lichen LLC, didn't want a group
mostly devoted to legacy proprietary software (i.e., SFpcUG) meeting in
its office. But I ensured that Linux meetings kept occuring at the
SIG's regular times. The same people (including me) attended, in fact:
The only thing different was that it was no longer under SFpcUG.
Since all of the SIG people attended BALUG meetings, we decided we were
an unofficial BALUG SIG -- and BALUG didn't mind. We started holding
installfests in the CoffeeNet building and elsewhere, as described here:
Enter the Robert Austin Company (RobAusCo), a small firm that put on
weekend computer (retail) swap meets ("shows") at the Cow Palace and
Oakland Convention Center. RobAusCo CEO Mike Lord was a frequent
CoffeeNet customer, was very impressed by it, and tried to talk
CoffeeNet proprietor Richard Couture into operating mini-CoffeeNets
inside Robert Austin shows. Richard considered this impractical and
declined, but suggested Lord speak to the Linux SIG. He did, and
proposed that we do Linux lectures inside his firm's computer shows.
We did that, but also talked him into letting us do "Linux installfests"
there, which were a big success: Some 5000 members per day of the
general computing public, while shopping for cheap hardware/software,
would encounter deliberately flamboyant Linux systems and community
volunteers -- at a time when few mainstream PC users knew of Linux. The
installfests were very successful at getting the word out to the
_uninitiated_ -- in contrast to the (worthwhile!) installfests put on by
SVLUG, NBLUG, CalLUG, SlugLUG, SacLUG, and LUGOD, which strictly
preached to the choir, and which we also assisted.
Our installfests were billed as BALUG events, initially, and listed
on BALUG's Web site. However, the SIG acquired a name of its own in
1998, when we scheduled an installfest but were infromed by BALUG
webmaster Cyndy Fire Eisner that she couldn't list our event because
BALUG president Arthur Tyde was out of the country and couldn't be
reached to approve it. After some thinking, we asked Cydny if she would
have any problem listing a non-BALUG event, and she said no, so we used
Duncan MacKinnon's suggestion of "Consortium of All Bay Area Linux"
(CABAL) in honour of our staffing installfests all over the Bay Area --
and that became the umbrella name for all subsequent SIG events
including its twice-monthly meetings, although we retained our loose
affiliation with BALUG. CABAL was run at the time by Duncan, Mike
Higashi, and Doug Lym.
Starting March 1998, with the release of Mozilla, and especially
September 1998, when almost all SQL database vendors suddenly announced
imminent shipment of Linux versions (after Informix broke the dam),
suddenly just about _every_ general computerist had heard of Linux.
Gradually it became apparent from the changed reaction to our presence
at RobAusCo shows that our motive for holding installfests there had
largely evaporate: That PR battle had been conclusively won. We kept
holding installfests intermittantly through 2003, but with decreasing
frequency. (It's a major hassle for a team of Linux volunteers to get
up early on a Saturday, pack a large amount of gear into boxes, drive to
Daly City or Oakland, pay for parking, unpack and drag our gear in, sit
at the installfest tables for six hours sipping bad coffee, and then
shlep everything back when the show closes at 4 PM.)
Meanwhile, with the CoffeeNet building shutting down in July 2000, I
moved residences to my present house in west Menlo Park, and offered
CABAL emergency meeting space there while it tried to find substitute
meeting space in San Francisco. It never did find such space, and so
became a de-facto Peninsula LUG, even though it remained in theory a San
Francisco-based one. Each of the twice-monthly meetings at my house
effectively _is_ an installfest, as it features lots of table space,
network and power drops, etc., and people bring computers to install /
tweak Linux on.
About a month ago, I heard that RobAusCo had folded. The firm's Web
site (http://www.robertaustin.com/) still exists and claims the firm is
"On Vacation", but that appears to be wishful thinking, as all of the
company's listed telephone numbers have been disconnected. It's gone to
meet its maker. It is no more. It is an ex-firm.
The "lingering mess" relates to what has been resulting from BALUG's
(much appreciated!) front-page link to CABAL regarding installfests: We
get a _lot_ of e-mailed queries, but they inevitably start out by asking
when is the next installfest, obliging us to explain, over and over,
that the querent should just bring his/her PC to the next regular CABAL
meeting in Menlo Park, and that it's much nicer there than at RobAusCo
venues anyway. It sometimes takes a while to get across the concept.
What I think we should do:
CABAL site: Change all the reference to "meetings" to say
"meeting/installfest". Heck, that's what they really are, anyway.
BALUG site: Expunge "Robert Austin Show" references, and ditto driving
directions and map to RobAusCo sites. Substitute direct reference to
the BALUG-affiliated CABAL meeting/installfests.
Thanks for your patience in slogging through this explanation and
The "Web questions? contact Webmaster" link at the bottom of BALUG Web
pages says to send mail to "webmaster(a)balug.org", which turns out to now
be undeliverable. FYI.
----- Forwarded message from Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon(a)linuxmafia.com> -----
From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon(a)linuxmafia.com>
To: rick(a)linuxmafia.com
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 16:44:28 -0700
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<webmaster(a)balug.org>:
host mx1.swarthy.mail.dreamhost.net []:
550 <webmaster(a)balug.org>: User unknown
------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
Return-path: <rick(a)linuxmafia.com>
Received: from rick by linuxmafia.com with local (Exim 4.44 #1 (EximConfig 2.0))
id 1DgWh4-0004UI-Ib by authid <rick> ; Thu, 09 Jun 2005 16:44:14 -0700
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 16:44:14 -0700
To: balug-admin-balug.org(a)lists.balug.org, webmaster(a)balug.org
Subject: CABAL, BALUG, and the late Robert Austin Co.
Message-ID: <20050609234413.GU9347(a)linuxmafia.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
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X-SA-Exim-Mail-From: rick(a)linuxmafia.com
X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No (on linuxmafia.com); SAEximRunCond expanded to false
Short version: Robert Austin Company has bit the dust, giving us an
opportunity and motive to fix up a lingering mess on the BALUG pages.
Suggested fix is eliminate mention of RobAusCo (and related directions &
map) and link to CABAL meetings as "meeting/installfests".
Long version:
Long-time BALUG people will remember the 100% Linux-based CoffeeNet
Internet cafe in SoMa. I helped build the place, and lived in an
apartment over it. A lot of the Bay Area Linux community revolved
around that building.
Another tenant at the building, in a downstairs room behind the coffee
house, starting '94, was San Francisco PC User Group. SFpcUG was a
disaster as a tenant and moved out in '97, but had one very successful
SIG, the Linux SIG, that met in SFpcUG's room twice a month (2nd and 4th
Saturdays, 4 PM).
When SFpcUG pulled out, the new tenant, Don Marti and Jim Gleason's
open source consulting firm Electric Lichen LLC, didn't want a group
mostly devoted to legacy proprietary software (i.e., SFpcUG) meeting in
its office. But I ensured that Linux meetings kept occuring at the
SIG's regular times. The same people (including me) attended, in fact:
The only thing different was that it was no longer under SFpcUG.
Since all of the SIG people attended BALUG meetings, we decided we were
an unofficial BALUG SIG -- and BALUG didn't mind. We started holding
installfests in the CoffeeNet building and elsewhere, as described here:
Enter the Robert Austin Company (RobAusCo), a small firm that put on
weekend computer (retail) swap meets ("shows") at the Cow Palace and
Oakland Convention Center. RobAusCo CEO Mike Lord was a frequent
CoffeeNet customer, was very impressed by it, and tried to talk
CoffeeNet proprietor Richard Couture into operating mini-CoffeeNets
inside Robert Austin shows. Richard considered this impractical and
declined, but suggested Lord speak to the Linux SIG. He did, and
proposed that we do Linux lectures inside his firm's computer shows.
We did that, but also talked him into letting us do "Linux installfests"
there, which were a big success: Some 5000 members per day of the
general computing public, while shopping for cheap hardware/software,
would encounter deliberately flamboyant Linux systems and community
volunteers -- at a time when few mainstream PC users knew of Linux. The
installfests were very successful at getting the word out to the
_uninitiated_ -- in contrast to the (worthwhile!) installfests put on by
SVLUG, NBLUG, CalLUG, SlugLUG, SacLUG, and LUGOD, which strictly
preached to the choir, and which we also assisted.
Our installfests were billed as BALUG events, initially, and listed
on BALUG's Web site. However, the SIG acquired a name of its own in
1998, when we scheduled an installfest but were infromed by BALUG
webmaster Cyndy Fire Eisner that she couldn't list our event because
BALUG president Arthur Tyde was out of the country and couldn't be
reached to approve it. After some thinking, we asked Cydny if she would
have any problem listing a non-BALUG event, and she said no, so we used
Duncan MacKinnon's suggestion of "Consortium of All Bay Area Linux"
(CABAL) in honour of our staffing installfests all over the Bay Area --
and that became the umbrella name for all subsequent SIG events
including its twice-monthly meetings, although we retained our loose
affiliation with BALUG. CABAL was run at the time by Duncan, Mike
Higashi, and Doug Lym.
Starting March 1998, with the release of Mozilla, and especially
September 1998, when almost all SQL database vendors suddenly announced
imminent shipment of Linux versions (after Informix broke the dam),
suddenly just about _every_ general computerist had heard of Linux.
Gradually it became apparent from the changed reaction to our presence
at RobAusCo shows that our motive for holding installfests there had
largely evaporate: That PR battle had been conclusively won. We kept
holding installfests intermittantly through 2003, but with decreasing
frequency. (It's a major hassle for a team of Linux volunteers to get
up early on a Saturday, pack a large amount of gear into boxes, drive to
Daly City or Oakland, pay for parking, unpack and drag our gear in, sit
at the installfest tables for six hours sipping bad coffee, and then
shlep everything back when the show closes at 4 PM.)
Meanwhile, with the CoffeeNet building shutting down in July 2000, I
moved residences to my present house in west Menlo Park, and offered
CABAL emergency meeting space there while it tried to find substitute
meeting space in San Francisco. It never did find such space, and so
became a de-facto Peninsula LUG, even though it remained in theory a San
Francisco-based one. Each of the twice-monthly meetings at my house
effectively _is_ an installfest, as it features lots of table space,
network and power drops, etc., and people bring computers to install /
tweak Linux on.
About a month ago, I heard that RobAusCo had folded. The firm's Web
site (http://www.robertaustin.com/) still exists and claims the firm is
"On Vacation", but that appears to be wishful thinking, as all of the
company's listed telephone numbers have been disconnected. It's gone to
meet its maker. It is no more. It is an ex-firm.
The "lingering mess" relates to what has been resulting from BALUG's
(much appreciated!) front-page link to CABAL regarding installfests: We
get a _lot_ of e-mailed queries, but they inevitably start out by asking
when is the next installfest, obliging us to explain, over and over,
that the querent should just bring his/her PC to the next regular CABAL
meeting in Menlo Park, and that it's much nicer there than at RobAusCo
venues anyway. It sometimes takes a while to get across the concept.
What I think we should do:
CABAL site: Change all the reference to "meetings" to say
"meeting/installfest". Heck, that's what they really are, anyway.
BALUG site: Expunge "Robert Austin Show" references, and ditto driving
directions and map to RobAusCo sites. Substitute direct reference to
the BALUG-affiliated CABAL meeting/installfests.
Thanks for your patience in slogging through this explanation and
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks, ... I did manage to get it today.
The base recording seems quite usable, certainly at least for source
audio. I also installed audacity today, ... with a wee bit of tweaking
(and some time to do it) I may manage to turn the audio into some
smaller digestible sized files (particularly for those with lower
available bandwidth) ... nice to have the higher sampling rate on
the original (and to have that when editing), but can probably drop
that down a fair amount (e.g. voice grade) for more general
distribution ... after some of the other audio tweaks are done (such
as amplification, and other edits).
Thanks again for recording it, and making that recording available.
Quoting Xavier <balug-talk(a)xav.to>:
> Michael Paoli wrote:
> > Is the tracker still up and available, and file available?
> > I tried it a few times today, without success.
> Bwa hah hah hah hah!
> I keep it up for ten+ days with no bites, then my interface freezes,
> then my NAT box takes to random crashing, within a few hours you ask
> about it. :-)
> Sorry, crap morning here. It'll be back up shortly with a little luck.
Xavier, please put a "Next Speaker? block on the web site like
you did for Mike Paoli?
Just thought would let you see things are still moving ahead.
Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day Holiday!
Larry Platzek larryp(a)inow.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 15:41:24 -0700
From: Heather Fitzsimmons <heather(a)mindsharepr.com>
To: larryp(a)inow.com
Subject: FW: proposed speaker/topic for upcoming BALUG meeting
Hi Larry,
I spoke with Dick, and we are confirmed for June 21st. Moshe Bar, the
CTO of XenSource, will be the speaker. His bio is below:
CTO, Moshe Bar
Open Source veteran and openMosix Project leader Moshe Bar is the CTO of
XenSource. Prior to XenSource, Bar co-founded Qlusters, Inc., where he
served as CTO, leading the company's technology and product strategy.
Previously, Moshe was VP, ERP implementations, at Baan Europe. He is the
author of three books on Linux internals and Open Source development
tools, a senior editor at byte.com, a founding research member of
Democritos (the Italian national institute for nuclear simulation), and
teaches at the UNESCO and at the U.N. Atomic Agency.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Fitzsimmons [mailto:heather@mindsharepr.com]
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:02 PM
To: 'larryp(a)inow.com'
Subject: proposed speaker/topic for upcoming BALUG meeting
For an upcoming BALUG meeting, I thought you may be interested in having
XenSource (www.xensource.com <http://www.xensource.com/> ) present on
"Enterprise Grade Virtualization with Open Source Technologies".
XenSource was founded by the creators of the Open Source Xen hypervisor.
Xen is Open Source software, released under the terms of the GNU General
Public License.
Below is an abstract for your consideration. If you have questions or
would like to discuss scheduling a presentation, please let me know.
I can be reached at 650-947-7400 or heather(a)mindsharepr.com.
Thank you.
Best regards, Heather
Abstract: Virtualization is a new and hot item to the world of Linux and
Windows. There have been, however, virtualization technologies for over
40 years starting with the IBM emulators for mainframes and later with
the CP67 and VM virtualizing operating systems.
Open Source operating systems like Linux offer the potential to make
virtualization fast, easy and a commodity by introducing the required
changes into the OS as part of the standard kernel. Fast virtualization
with a low overhead, furthermore makes it possible for the first time to
use it in production environments (rather than just test and
Xen, the leading Open Source virtualization technology has quickly
become a standard adopted by many leading ISVs to build comprehensive
data center efficiency and management solutions. This session will
provide an overview of Xen and discuss best practices for deploying it
to achieve enterprise grade virtualization.
Heather Fitzsimmons
MindShare PR
650-947-7400 (telephone)
650-947-7401 (fax)
650-279-4360 (cell)