I think we more-or-less already do that, ... just not all that
formally. Typically, frequently, commonly just before the
talk/presentation starts, and/or around when the more
formal part of talk/presentation ends, we tend to make,
and allow for brief announcements (e.g. plug our upcoming
meetings events, other events of note, and if someone wants
to make a quite brief announcement that's relevant, they can).
Quoting jim stockford:
> we might consider changing the meeting format
> to allow what bayPIGgies call "mapping", a brief
> time that lets people make announcements
> (including a plea for a ride after the meeting)
> such as hiring and other things.
> seems to me possible good times for such an
> interlude would be at the start of dinner or just
> before the speaker begins. probably limit total
> time to five or seven minutes, each speaker
> getting maybe 60 seconds.