Unless someone convinces me otherwise (unlikely),
I'll probably proceed fairly soon, to reconfigure the
BALUG VM (Virtual Machine) - (host balug-sf-lug-v2.balug.org)
and likewise "vicki" (hostname vicki - and the sometimes /
semi-regular physical host of the BALUG VM)
to default to using UTC.
To minimize surprises/disruptions - in addition to this notice,
I'll probably make that change upon a (re)boot of those hosts
(e.g. on reboot, go to single user mode, reconfigure,
then reboot per normal to multi-user).
o security, etc. - many won't even consider looking at logs if they're
not in UTC
o no matter who uses it from where on the planet, one zone all can (well
approximately) reasonably agree upon
o no need/reason to change it in the (unlikely) even it moves to another
physical location, or timezone at existing physical location changes
o "principle of least surprise" - if it was a whole bunch 'o local folks
doing admin, etc. on the box, and especially more "jr." folks, local
would be of least surprise. But alas, yours truly does >>~=99.7 %
of the systems administration, etc. on those hosts, so that being
the case, and having been the case quite a while, and seeming improbable
to change ... for me, that "principle of least surprise", and other
reasons/advantages ... UTC
o Users can always use TZ setting to whatever they wish that's available,
we're only talking about the system default timezone, e.g.:
$ TZ=America/Los_Angeles; export TZ
Magic 8-ball (i.e., logcheck on ns1.linuxmafia.com) says:
System Events
May 30 10:05:36 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone balug.org/IN: serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
May 30 10:30:43 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone sf-lug.org/IN: serial number (1558622463) received from master < ours (1558799278)
May 30 10:32:42 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone balug.org/IN: serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
May 30 10:57:43 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone balug.org/IN: serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
Michael, O Great Oracle of the DNS master, before I go expunging the
local cached zone on ns1.linuxmafia.com so as to converge in the master,
any thoughts or desire to act on your end? Normally, I would expect the
current situation to be _strenuously avoided_ by never taking S/Ns in a
retrograde direction on a zone's DNS master, so I infer that
investigation may be in order (or at least brief discussion).