As far as I know, we don't have a speaker/presentation lined up for
the BALUG meeting coming up this Tuesday.
Unless there are any particular noteworthy updates, I'll probably
send out a reminder about the meeting "quite soon" (like by about noon
today PDT), perhaps roughly like similar earlier ones, e.g.:…
Also, if someone has specific link for the "slides" corresponding to Tom's
presentation at last month's meeting, I'd briefly include that ...
if that can't be found soon enough, I may be inclined to just give
brief mention and link to,
or perhaps defer mentioning that, and put out more details (and
link to "slides") on the "talk" list later, when we've found the link
and it's available and such.
----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick(a)> -----
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 06:29:02 -0700
From: Rick Moen <rick(a)>
To: craigs(a)
Subject: Re: continuous balug reminders
Quoting craigs(a) (craigs(a)
> Hello again Rick,
> I apologize for wasting your time. I normally send a full copy of the email
> in question when following up on *fraudulent* emails - but for some reason I
> had my blinders on in this situation. I don't expect you to follow up on
> this, but I'm sending it just in case you're curious. Forgive me if once
> again it is lacking important information.
Not a problem. I don't have an explanation for your mystery, but (1)
have double-checked the Mialman adiministrative interface's membership
roster for balug-talk(a), under "c", and craigs(a) is
definitely not among the subscribers.
(2) In your example e-mail, I notice something utterly bizarre: It's
coming to your MTA from That's odd because BALUG
hasn't had its machines on David Sifry's machines in years, and
currently has the entire domain virtual-hosted at Dreamhost.
Is it possible that there is still a Mailman instance at Sifry's machine
that thinks it's managing BALUG mailing lists? If so, that would
account for your not getting satisfaction when you contact the -real-
BALUG Mailman instance.
You might want to write to the postmaster at, who is
almost certainly David Sifry.
Since the balug-admin(a) mailing list readers will probably
also be interested in this, I'm CCing them, and by your leave will send
them a forward of your recent mail.
----- End forwarded message -----
----- Forwarded message from craigs(a) -----
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:11:39 +0200 (MEST)
From: craigs(a)
To: rick(a)
X-Mailer: WWW-Mail 1.6 (Global Message Exchange)
Subject: continuous balug reminders
Hello again Rick,
I apologize for wasting your time. I normally send a full copy of the email
in question when following up on *fraudulent* emails - but for some reason I
had my blinders on in this situation. I don't expect you to follow up on
this, but I'm sending it just in case you're curious. Forgive me if once
again it is lacking important information.
After having received unsubscription confirmations last October from
balug-talk-bounces(a) & balug-announce-bounces(a), I continue
to receive the following monthly reminder:
>From balug-talk-admin(a) Sat Apr 1 13:05:07 2006
Return-Path: <balug-talk-admin(a)>
Received: from localhost (localhost [])
by (8.13.6/8.13.3) with ESMTP id k31L56VC000233
for <craig@localhost>; Sat, 1 Apr 2006 13:05:07 -0800
X-Flags: 0000
Delivered-To: GMX delivery to craigs(a)
Received: from []
by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.2)
for <craig@localhost> (single-drop); Sat, 01 Apr 2006 13:05:07 -0800
Received: (qmail invoked by alias); 01 Apr 2006 16:30:18 -0000
Received: from unknown (EHLO []
by (mx031) with SMTP; 01 Apr 2006 18:30:18 +0200
Received: from (colo1 [])
by (8.12.3/8.12.3/Debian -4) with ESMTP id
for <craigs(a)>; Sat, 1 Apr 2006 08:30:10 -0800
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 08:30:10 -0800
Message-Id: <200604011630.k31GU0PY004614(a)>
Subject: mailing list memberships reminder
From: mailman-owner(a)
To: craigs(a)
X-No-Archive: yes
X-Ack: no
Sender: balug-talk-admin(a)
Errors-To: balug-talk-admin(a)
X-BeenThere: balug-talk(a)
X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.5
Precedence: bulk
X-GMX-Antivirus: -1 (not scanned, may not use virus scanner)
X-GMX-Antispam: 0 (Mail was not recognized as spam)
X-GMX-UID: qJ0cdYBFIyd1l0/tDmdraGxaa2FkZpXd
Status: RO
Content-Length: 1174
Lines: 26
This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your
mailing list memberships. It includes your subscription info and how
to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.
You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
changes. For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
the list (for example, balug-announce-request(a) containing
just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be
sent to you with instructions.
If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to
mailman-owner(a) Thanks!
Passwords for craigs(a)
List Password // URL
---- --------
balug-talk(a) ****
balug-announce(a) ****
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----- End forwarded message -----