Okay, ... I'll drop Marilyn a note first.
I may put at least something on the "talk" list to give folks a bit of a heads up (e.g. that we do have a confirmed speaker and such), and aim to get item out on the "announce" list *soon* (today, ... tomorrow; don't want it to wait too much longer).
Quoting jim stockford:
Marilyn's something of a Python evangelist, and I expect
she'll be pushing Python features, trying to seduce the audience into trying Python out. you interested in more info? probably best to email marilyn@deliberate.com but i'm willing to carry hod (contact her, help direct her talk if you guys have ideas...). jim
On Nov 8, 2006, at 4:43 AM, Michael Paoli wrote:
Well, for 2006-11-21 I don't have precise/specific topic (I'm guestimating Python or programming related, or something along those lines), so this is what I've drafted thus far. If we can get a topic/talk title (it can be something with a fair amount of "wiggle" room) and appropriate blurbs, I can make suitable changes on the description(s) and such (including further changing the web page). Anyway, this is what I've drafted so far for the "announce" list:
News & BALUG 2006-11-21: Marilyn Davis
For our November 21st, 2006 BALUG meeting, we have: Marilyn Davis of eVote(R)/Clerk and Bay Area Python Interest Group (BayPIGgies) as guest speaker. Marilyn Davis is a senior software engineer and technical trainer, focused on object-oriented design, clear, efficient algorithms, and well-crafted code; with a demonstrated knack for:
- Finding simple solutions to complex problems.
- Articulating clear explanations.
- Engendering cooperation.
http://www.deliberate.com/marilyn/ http://www.deliberate.com/ http://baypiggies.net/
No BALUG meeting in December this year. Note that BALUG will not be meeting in December of this year. We meet again, as usual, resuming on the 3rd Tuesday of the month on 2007-01-16.