Seems we've had a little mix-up for the Aug. 15th meeting.
If you know of or come up with speaker/program or possiblity for Aug. 15th, let at least myself, Ann and Larry know. In the meantime I'll also see if I can come up with someone/something for us.
----- Forwarded message from Michael Paoli ----- Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 23:12:29 -0700 From: Michael Paoli Subject: Re: Bay Area Linux Users Group Speaker? To: Ann E. Worley Cc: Larry Platzek
Yipes! ...
Well, I'll see if I can scramble and arrange someone/something for the Aug. 15th BALUG meeting. I'll see if I can maybe get something fitting from some of my vendor contacts. If not that day, maybe I'll manage to at least fill some other open slot (like Sept., if that is still open).
I'll update the web page a bit - so at least it's not promoting for Aug. a presentation/speaker that won't happen at that meeting.
I'll see if I can get at least some other "feelers" out there too, in case that's able to snag us a speaker/presentation for Aug. 15th meeting that way.
We could always add a keysigning ... but that does not a whole meeting take (but it can fill 15 to 30 minutes). Since an impromptu one happened at the last BALUG meeting (I didn't see any announcements for such, but some folks showed up interested in keysingings, and some keysignings happened) ... doing it a 2nd month in a row could be a bit on the redundant side ... though it might pull in some more folks from LinuxWorld ... but on the other hand, there will almost certainly be some keysigning at/around LinuxWorld itself ... and BALUG is a bit of a trek from there for a keysigning if there's one at or much closer to LinuxWorld.
Quoting Ann E. Worley:
mixed up the dates
Michael, I bet no one would complain if you recruit a speaker at LinuxWorld as you previously offered to do.
Patrick, I regret that we will not be learning how to take the sh out of IT quite yet
Quoting Patrick McGovern:
Hi Larry,
Thanks for the note.
I regret, with the timing mixup, that I will not to be able to speak on the 15th. I am still very interested in participating at a future event. Perhaps October or November. (Sept will likely be tough with
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