Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu):
Looks like DreamHost assembled and made the files available by approximately 2017-09-16T16:10:15-0700. I've successfully retrieved 'em and run some basic sanity checks - looks like they are in fact what we're expecting from DreamHost (at least of what they still have and hadn't otherwise lost earlier).
I'll update when clear to "pull the plug" on DreamHost (notably after I complete a mostly queued set of final migration config changes, and then the last of the longest relevant DNS TTLs have expired). Anyway - fairly soon (guestimating "all clear" by about mid-week +- a bit - will update when it's all done 'n clear).
I've just now tried to do some remedial looking around for third-party utilities to deal with problems like mbox files needing cleanup. I've been ffeeling some sense of loss, in that I'm _sure_ Marc Merlin pointed me to a bunch of such tools years ago, but I failed to capture that knowledge.
But not quite so fast. Lookie here:
rick@linuxmafia] /usr/local/src/rickstuff $ cd svlug [rick@linuxmafia] /usr/local/src/rickstuff/svlug $ ls -al total 27516 drwxrwsr-x 10 rick rick 4096 Sep 3 15:55 . drwsr-sr-x 27 rick rick 4096 Mar 25 01:38 .. drwxr-sr-x 3 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 etc -rw-r--r-- 1 rick rick 5880 Jun 22 2009 marc-merlin-mailman-scripts.tar.gz drwxrwsr-x 2 469 469 4096 Mar 16 2012 mboxes -rw-r--r-- 1 rick rick 27614753 Sep 3 15:55 svlug-rosters -rw------- 1 rick rick 27960 Jan 5 2016 svlug-rosters~. -r-xr-x--- 1 rick rick 3590 Jun 22 2009 svlug.svlug.org-backup-scripts.tar.gz -r-xr-x--- 1 rick rick 365822 Jun 22 2009 svlug.svlug.org-usr.local.sbin.tar.gz -r-xr-x--- 1 rick rick 58947 Jul 19 2009 svlug.svlug.org-var.lib.scr.tar.gz -r-xr-x--- 1 rick rick 5154 Jun 22 2009 svlug.svlug.org-var.www.bin.tar.gz drwxr-sr-x 2 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 usr-local-sbin drwxr-sr-x 3 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 var-local-mailman-backup drwxr-sr-x 3 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 var-local-mailman-bin drwxr-sr-x 2 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 var-local-mailman-cron drwxr-sr-x 3 root rick 4096 May 28 2015 var-local-scr drwxrwsr-x 2 rick rick 4096 Apr 30 2016 www [rick@linuxmafia] /usr/local/src/rickstuff/svlug $
Oh, joy. Looks like I did something useful in the way of looking ahead to situations just like this one.
/usr/local/src/rickstuff/svlug $ cp marc-merlin-mailman-scripts.tar.gz /tmp [rick@linuxmafia] /usr/local/src/rickstuff/svlug $ cd /tmp [rick@linuxmafia] /tmp $ tar xvzf marc-merlin-mailman-scripts.tar.gz marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/ marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/addusertolists marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/checkalllists marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/dumplistconfigs marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/excludelists marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/findemail marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/findemailpattern marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/findvauser marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/listlists marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/listsoutside marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/mailman_force_settings marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/mailman_setowner_settings marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/README marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/reconfigalllistsfromdump marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/removevauser marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/renameuser marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/renamevauser marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/resetlistconfigs marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/savelistinfo marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/listsconfig/ marc-merlin-mailman-scripts/crontab [rick@linuxmafia] /tmp $
Lots of good tricks and script snippets in there. Here's one I loved when I discovered it. (This is all stuff captured from lists.svlug.org, by the way.)
The crontab file you see in there is the main system crontab file from lists.svlug.org, and it includes:
14 5 * * 1-5 root bash -c 'export IFS=" "; A=`/var/local/mailman/bin/scripts/resetlistconfigs 2>&1`; if [ z"$A" != z ]; then echo $A | Mail -s "~mailman/bin/scripts/resetlistconfigs output" owner-mailman; fi'
And what does resetlistconfigs do?
/tmp/marc-merlin-mailman-scripts $ cat resetlistconfigs #!/bin/bash
cd ~mailman/lists/ for i in * do ~mailman/bin/config_list -o - $i | tail +3 > /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.before ~mailman/bin/config_list -i ~mailman/bin/scripts/mailman_force_settings $i ~mailman/bin/config_list -o - $i | tail +3 > /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.after
if ! diff -q /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.before /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.after &>/dev/null; then echo "Fixing config of list $i" diff -u0 /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.before /var/tmp/tmp_mm_settings.after fi done [rick@linuxmafia] /tmp/marc-merlin-mailman-scripts $
You get the gist of that. It parse text file mailman_force_settings as input to the config_list utility. And the input file is thus the punch line:
[rick@linuxmafia] /tmp/marc-merlin-mailman-scripts $ cat mailman_force_settings reply_goes_to_list = 0 host_name = 'lists.svlug.org' archive = 1 [rick@linuxmafia] /tmp/marc-merlin-mailman-scripts $
Marc suspected well in advance that, eventually, SVLUG would put into a position to do harm some officer or other volunteer who'd insist on doing stupid things to the Mailman settings like force Reply-To munging, or attempt to make lists.svlug.org forge some other FQDN, or have a mailing list deliberately non-archived, so Marc set up a nightly cron job to un-do the idiot's damage.
The idiot eventually did arrive in the person of raving loon and drunk President Paul Reiber, who indeed did attempt to force Reply-To munging and was reputedly driven to distraction by the fact that his change kept reverting automatically shortly after he made it.
I'd be glad to give you a copy of the marc-merlin-mailman-scripts.tar.gz collection, but the _real_ prize I wanted to give you is cleanarch, a python script Marc had in /var/local/mailman/bin . File comments:
"""Clean up an .mbox archive file.
The archiver looks for Unix-From lines separating messages in an mbox archive file. For compatibility, it specifically looks for lines that start with "From " -- i.e. the letters capital-F, lowercase-r, o, m, space, ignoring everything else on the line.
Normally, any lines that start "From " in the body of a message should be escaped such that a > character is actually the first on a line. It is possible though that body lines are not actually escaped. This script attempts to fix these by doing a stricter test of the Unix-From lines. Any lines that start "From " but do not pass this stricter test are escaped with a
Usage: cleanarch [options] < inputfile > outputfile
Options: -s n --status=n Print a # character every n lines processed
-q / --quiet Don't print changed line information to standard error.
-n / --dry-run Don't actually output anything.
-h / --help Print this message and exit """
You need this. I'm attaching a copy (GPLed by author).