So ... fairly close to 100.0000% off of - though there's also some follow-up and post-migration stuff yet to do.
The DNS changes had all been put in by: 2017-09-16T22:19:49-0700 notably changes for DNS and Resource Records (RRs) under that domain (e.g., and also registry data changes - Name Servers (NS) delegated from org. and glue records. Once those had been implemented, those changes were verified on the relevant NS to be in effect (changes went in somewhere between nearly instantaneous and fairly darn fast - certainly faster than the minute(s) or so it took me to check and validate).
TTLs ... for the latter "upstream" bits (glue & NS delegation from org.): 86400 (24 hours), for the stuff at authoritative NS & on down, generally 14400 (4 hours), at least for most of the records of relevance (including not only "new"/updated, but also the older ones hosted by - where most notably in general we had not ability to adjust TTLs).
So ... adding those bits together (worst case total caching of relevant RRs) ... 28 hours, ... so ... should be 100.0000% free of's (former) hosting of by about 2017-09-18T02:19:49-0700 ... or, adding/allowing for some transmission latencies of DNS servers that may be caching data, pretty reasonable to presume for all intents and purposes totally free and clear by: 2017-09-18T02:24-0700 :-)
Anyway, do need to wait out the TTLs to avoid issues. E.g. I did check many hours ago (but also many hours (much more than 4) after the DNS changes were in ... for semi-random data point checked the data on DNS servers of my ISP. Half of them had (or had obtained) the older DNS data, half the newer DNS data. This was probably due to whether or not they'd cached the older upstream bits - and perhaps even from when, and if that'd already expired or not from their caches ... those that hadn't yet dropped the cached older (but not yet expired) upstream data, still went (appropriately) to the old NS, and fetched the older data from there (which would then be cached again for up to the 4 hrs. TTL of that data), whereas the others had (or fetched) the current newer data. Anyway, ought all be good and current throughout Internet (at least where well behaved) by 2017-09-18T02:24-0700.
Just a few of some of the immediate benefits of the migration, and noting some that couldn't even offer: o https - on & (already got & installed cert) o IPv6 on & Many others - but that's just a start.
Glitches? Found and corrected a few glitches. The "new" site, the canonical on there used to be - so (virtual) Host: headers not matching one of many canonicals, would redirect to Unfortunately initially missed including (and ... so corrected that so they wouldn't inappropriately redirect to ( mostly functions as a beta/QA/pre-launch site - it's never been the over-all canonical for Anyway, corrected that. Likewise - had a few kinks to squeeze out of the configs (notably forgot to activate some bits I had queued for activation but hadn't actually activated yet) ... once that was squared away, then was working as expected.
There does remain more to do "of course". Some of the items quite high in queue to be done soon: o load the older list archives (likely complete that well before noon) o adjust list information pages once above is done o draft BALUG announcement to send out (meeting is Tu; will send that tomorrow AM) o (perhaps before sending out above, but after 2017-09-18T02:24-0700): reconfigure {lists,temp} so is canonical, but preserving backwards compatibility with (will allow a transition period where both can be used - probably until about 2017-11-30 (current obtained cert that also covers expires 2017-12-16T13:47:00+0000) o add proper SPF records for {lists,} o various other DNS adjustments & tweaks (notably "roll up" delgated subdomains thereof into zone) - there's a fair amount of other stuff too, ... much of it may be listed on: ... but certainly not necessarily all. Those wiki pages mostly cover stuff *through* migration, but may not cover much beyond completion of migration itself - though they do touch on at least some post-migration steps.
From: "Michael Paoli" Subject: Re: [BALUG-Admin] BALUG migration from DreamHost & DNS, etc. Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2017 22:36:31 -0700
... and the DNS bits have been kicked off, and verified those changes propagated to the most relevant DNS servers, notably those (newly) authoritative for, and the org. NS servers ... all those have the relevant current data (verified) - including glue records, largest relevant DNS TTL is 86400, so, essentially 24 hours after those changes, any older cached bits still hanging out in Internet DNS should have expired by then and then be using the current updated data.
I think freedom (from) day should arrive starting late tomorrow. :-)
From: "Michael Paoli" Subject: BALUG migration from DreamHost & DNS, etc. Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2017 21:58:37 -0700
Nearly ready to start the major DNS changes to kick off last stages of migration of away from hosting.
This should mostly be highly seamless except ... for the domains themselves: There may be some minor issues/discrepancies apparent, as for a while, (up to about 24 hours, due to DNS TTLs) those DNS names may go to either the old legacy hosting, or the new "hosting" (self-hosted VM). There are also a fair number of hosting specific DNS names that will be going away or changing - but those changes should effectively pass without notice or detectable impact (e.g.: etc.) Note also that at the present time, is (temporarily) deprecated - so don't expect it to work yet (but it will be revived to full functionality again in near future, as it will replace which will be phased out over suitable adjustment period).
If you notice any more significant issues, certainly feel free to contact me.