Hello, Michael Paoli and the 38 other members of this 40-subscriber mailing list.
As listadmin, I've just received one of these for each of the three BALUG mailing lists. Am guessing Dreamhost did a password reset to comply with a trouble ticket from Michael Hubbard, their customer (last I heard) for shared-hosting of balug.org.
Reviewing facts I doubtless once knew but forgot again ;-> , I see Michael Paoli is currently owner ('Regisrant') of domain balug.org. (Any time you want to make DNS revisions, I stand ready to help.)
So: I've just changed the listadmin passwords for balug-admin, balug-talk, and balug-announce from the temporary password redacted below to one that is not guessable but still reasonable to type -- same password for all three.
Michael P., please call me to get the new password.[1]
We should review policy and procedures. Is there a third core BALUG person who should hold the listadmin password? Three is better redundancy than two, and I've found works well enough.
Also, are there people beyond just me who're willing to receive Mailman notices of held messages and (potentially) other automated administrative notices? Currently, it's just me.
[1] If you're not Michael P. but can believably impersonate him on the telephone, please don't call me to get the new password. ;->
----- Forwarded message from mailman@listserver-grail.dreamhost.com -----
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 10:53:10 -0700 From: mailman@listserver-grail.dreamhost.com To: rick@linuxmafia.com Subject: Your new balug-admin-balug.org list password
The site administrator at lists.balug.org has changed the password for your mailing list balug-admin-balug.org. It is now
Please be sure to use this for all future list administration. You may want to log in now to your list and change the password to something more to your liking. Visit your list admin page at
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