I wrote:
I don't know exactly what set this situation up, but I think this is badness and therefore just now removed subscriber team@trubrain.com from this mailing list.
Recently, someone subscribed each of the SVLUG mailing lists to a Sympa-software mailing list at a large mailing list site -- a rather bizarre thing to even attempt to do. I deferred action while wondering WTF someone was doing, then predictably the next time I posted to svlug@lists.svlug.org received an offlist notice that my 'posting' to the _other_ remote mailing list was being held for approval (because I wasn't subscribed to the remote Sympa list, only 'svlug@lists.svlug.org'.
This clearly was not a tolerable situation, so I removed all of those subscriptions.
My guess is either mischief or some bizarre variety of user mishap.