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Quoting jim jim@well.com:
don't know why i didn't think of it earlier: can we just swap ip addresses? set balug to use and sf-lug to use it's original ip address then we can tweak the dns stuff in the sf-lug vm to be what it was on the tower rather than figure out how to adjust everything for new dns server ips?
Ah, ... excellent point(s) ... I missed noticing the subnet reuse.
Let's go ahead and have be SF-LUG again (I've taken BALUG off of that IP), and be BALUG again. That way at least each LUG remains on its same IP (even if we still have different hosts (virtual or otherwise) at those target IPs compared to before 2009-11-11).
So, feel free to proceed on SF-LUG, as BALUG should be out of your way ( IP available for use by SF-LUG again).