Andrew, et. al.,
I've got pizza order in for tomorrow. I did give them your name and cellular as primary contact, and also my name and (work) number as backup/alternate. We can adjust (e.g. add) quantities a bit tomorrow as warranted. The manager there actually said they could take order adjustments as late as about 5:00 P.M. ... but I don't think we want to be dickering around that late with late RSVPs and order tweaks ... so I earlier gave a 6:00 A.M. cutoff on the RSVPs for pizza.
At present - sized for 30 - we're looking at $255.73 total (including tax, but not tip or sodas). Oh, and for delivery time, I told them 6:40 P.M. - or at least as close as they can get to that.
I adjusted the mix of pizza types a bit from what I'd proposed earlier, based on various feedback (some in RSVPs, and other suggestions/comments).
I'll likely send out, a bit later, some more details on what the present order looks like ... and also bit of matrix on adjustments for additional people (e.g. for different ranges of numbers of people, we bump up some of the various pizza quantities).
I'll update tally on pizza RSVPs a bit after 6:00 A.M. tomorrow, and I can put that in as our (semi-?)final adjustment on pizza order (final, unless one of us has time to review and tweak subsequent to that).
I'll give them a 6:00 A.M. cutoff on the RSVPs for pizza ... that'll still allow me enough time to adjust the running total and at least use that as base order early tomorrow morning. *Might* be able to adjust it a bit after that (pizza place will still take adjustments before noon) ... but I may not have time and opportunity to review RSVPs after that time and make subsequent adjustments to the order.