list subscribers (does include also those with delivery disabled): $ wc -l */memb*`date -I` 27 balug-admin/membership_2007-09-03 264 balug-announce/membership_2007-09-03 258 balug-talk/membership_2007-09-03 And a rough approximation of unique e-mail addresses (note that some folks use unique per-list addresses): $ sort -u */membership_*`date -I` | wc -l 457
Note also that it appears we have a fairly large number of folks that are subscribed to "talk", but *NOT* subscribed to "announce". Theoretically (at least logically) that shouldn't be the case (in general - typically exceptions being per-list e-mail addresses), but it is totally under "user" control. A quick count of that: $ { sort -u balug-talk/membership_`date -I`
cat balug-announce/membership_`date -I` \ balug-announce/membership_`date -I`; } | sort | uniq -u | wc -l
references: file://