Can you try contacting dreamhost, and have them at least temporariliy (virtually) pull the plug on at TCP port 80 (pointing out to them that it's apparently quite obviously cracked, if necessary), at least until it can get fixed. Have you also tried contacting Hubbard?
Better (temporarily) no page than a cracked one (and presumably site, etc.)
*So far* Google cache has the uncracked page ... but that could change at any time.
It *seems* the lists are okay, ... but never know for sure (or who might be watching their messages/content). Of course most of the info. that's sent there is public or semi-public anyway.
Quoting Xavier
Michael Paoli wrote:
This doesn't look good: "H4ck3rsBr um passrinho que naum tinha cu foi caga e explodiu"
Who's got the access to get in and clean stuff up ASAP?
Also, time to change all the site passwords (at least all the content change access passwords), and to also ensure they only go across secure communications channels, etc.
Postnuke is once again nuked, only person I know with a reasonable level of access is Hubbard. At this point my admin pass on Postnuked is worth about the same as if I had scribbled "$1000" onto a sheet of toilet paper.
If the lists are down then this is a fine mess.