Michael wrote:
On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 7:19 PM Michael Paoli < Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:
DO NOT REPLY ALL! (*unless* you're a member of **both** lists)
I do have that distinction. ;->
(What Michael said. If not on both balug-admin@ and sf-lug@, please trip recipients appropriately.)
Man, that status mail I wrote late last night was only barely coherent. (I hope people could figure out that 'Near and I and Mike Durkin' was supposed to be 'Near _as_ I and Mike Durkin', for example.) What I didn't mention was that I'd had almost no sleep the night before the outage for unrelated causes, so it's a wonder I was able to function let alone do network diagnosis. By the time I got to 2am and sent that mail, I was really running on fumes.
For a fun yet outré experience, I recommend trying to figure out how to import into friggin' Gmail a roster of 287 Mailman mailing list subscribers exported to ASCII by '/var/lib/mailman/bin/list_members -f sf-lug > /tmp/sf-lug', so that you can send subscribers a status mail without needing to copy/past 287 times into the Bcc field. It can be done, but _man_ how pathetically buggy Auntie Goog's code is. And all because of the furshlugginer WebUI, which I could have done without in the first place.
'Easier user interface' my great aunt.