1. On https://temp.balug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/balug-test/general , added myself to lisadmin roster.
Changed max_days_to_hold from 0 to 5. Rationale: Makes held spam expire out with reasonable speed, while still allowing for listadmin reaction time. (One of my guiding principles of Mailman administration is that if you find yourself trying to outwork mailbots, you're doing it wrong. Along those lines, if you're repeatedly visiting the admin queue to clear it even though you know from the held-mail summaries that it's 100% spam, then you're trying to outwork mailbots.) I personally lead towards 3 rather than 5, sufficient to notice something on a holiday weekend. (On 'conspire', I actually have this as '2'.)
Corrected subject_prefix from '[Balug-test]' to '[balug-test]'.
Noted without particular comment (except 'OK with me'): You've seemingly toggled send_reminders (monthly password reminder) to 'no'. Last I saw, Mailman installation default is 'yes'.
Changed 'respond_to_post_requests' aka 'Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?' to 'no'.
2. On https://temp.balug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/balug-test/privacy/sender :
Changed 'dmarc_moderation_action' from 'Accept' to 'Munge From'. This is a huge topic where mailing list are collateral damage in the war against SMTP forgery, and where listadmins have only sucky options to choose among. We can discuss this further.
(The committee of jackbooted fascists who designed DMARC either hated mailing lists or simply didn't give a damn about them.)