That should be fine. :-)
If we want or need to tweak web description and/or list/e-mail text (such as before/for "reminder" announcement) we can do that, ... but we probably at least have the bases fairly well covered.
Earlier you mentioned a bit about biography and such ... I mostly took bits from Mark's biography and other publicly available sources to craft a mini-bio that might be a little more oriented towards BALUGers (with a bit less detail on things they probably knew about, and a bit more detail on things they weren't as likely to know about, but would likely be interested in and find impressive). I also made the link/URL on both the web page and in the e-mailing a link to Mark's bio page - rather than his "main" page - which is more blog style. The bio page gives a better quick overview, I think, ... and the "main" page is certainly quite easy enough to get to from there - and seems to focus more on most current interests/concerns/activities. I also thought it would be a bit too redundant if I just copied a chunk of bio information from Mark's bio page, and then *also* linked to Mark's bio page ... anyway, for those reasons I (at least semi-) hand crafted a short mini-bio description, and with BALUGers particularly in mind.
Anyway, you made good suggestions on that, ... I'd just already more-or-less crafted that bit of it as I described above (didn't manage to mention that in earlier e-mail - got a bit squeezed for time).
Quoting Andrew Fife
See the note from Mark's assistant below. I don't think this is a problem because Mark is such a big name that folks are interested in hearing what he has to say anyway.
-----Original Message----- From: Claire Newman Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:12 AM To: Andrew Fife Subject: Re: Mark Shuttleworth Speaking @ BALUG in 2008?
Hi Andrew,
Andrew Fife wrote:
Hi Claire:
This is a quick note to see if a title and abstract is available for the talk that Mark Shuttleworth is planning on giving at BALUG on March 25th
Unfortunately I am unable to send you a draft of Mark's speech as he will not be preparing a written presentation. Mark is more used to speaking from hand written notes.
He is very much looking forward to the evening.
Best regards, Claire