I actually just got the web site updated (at least 1st pass) with the Oct. speaker info. just a wee bit ago.
Let me know if/how it should be tweaked. I based what I have on there so far pretty much entirely from: http://www.untangle.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36... and: http://www.untangle.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35...
I also (slightly) updated: http://www.sf-lug.com/wiki/doku.php?id=balug_speaker_coordination
We should also get announcement out pretty soon, ... 2008-10-21 will hit us before we know it :-) ... any other stuff we should include with announcement?
Quoting "Andrew Fife" AFife@untangle.com:
Same time, same place. Speaker is Dirk Morris, Untangle Founder/CTO on virtualizing network apps... or in other words, how Untangle's virtual pipelining technology works.
-----Original Message----- From: balug-admin-bounces@lists.balug.org [mailto:balug-admin-bounces@lists.balug.org] On Behalf Of Jesse Zbikowski Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:52 AM To: balug-admin Subject: [BALUG-Admin] Meeting Tue 21 Oct
Hello, I did not see any discussion about this so I was wondering if we are still meeting at the normal time/place? Any thoughts about speakers?