Well, ... good that the information's there :-) ...
But I did stumble across some issues, ... some of which may be a bit problematic/confusing for "user experience/interface" and such.
The link off the main page: Review of lecture covering LVM http://www.balug.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&a...
doesn't (at least under Lynx or Mozilla 1.0.0) seem to lead to what one would expect for Review of lecture covering LVM ... there seem to be some relatively promising links from that point, but they seem to mostly (or entirely?) lead to a recursion of the problem - still not getting to what one would likely expect to see for the contents.
I did find this URL, which seems to get to the content I'm thinking would be expected: http://www.balug.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpWiki&file=index&... (hmmm, ... didn't know I'd "blessed" anyone ;-) ... Also, I've got about a decade's experience with LVM ... and quite a bit with various volume management software ... but "only" a hair under 2 years of using LVM on LINUX - references: http://www.rawbw.com/~mp/linux/lvm/notes.txt ... okay, so that's probably not 100% obvious from what's on those notes, or what I might have stated (and I did rip through that very quickly verbally), but the very first "Logical Volume Management software" I ever used was LVM ... on HP-UX (in 1995, or possibly not until 1996). ... technicalities, anyway. :-) ... hmmm, an I just spotted a teensy typo in my notes now too, to fix (that "<~=1995" should be ">~=1995" )
I also note some other confusing or potentially confusing stuff. If one signs up for a new (wiki) account on the site, the e-mail shows up as from offroadgeek@gmail.com ... other current (as opposed to older) pages still show Michael Hubbard as contact.
To the extent feasible, it may be better to have the various key contacts as "roles" on the web pages - e.g. functional aliases (such as webmaster), ... those can then then be aliased to send to the person(s)/team(s) responsible for covering those items/issues. To the extent that folks don't much like such an impersonal approach, those (at least on the web pages) could potentially be links to a "credits" or contact page, or something like that - with roles there, ... and names, etc., but with links still using functional e-mail aliases. This can make things a lot more maintainable and clean, particularly when responsibilities/availability may shift around, or someone takes a 2 month vacation in Europe, ... or what have you.
Hopefully some of these points aren't horribly redundant with what may have been mentioned before, but thought I'd at least mention some of them, in case they'd not been mentioned earlier.
Quoting Xavier balug-talk@xav.to:
Just to keep everyone up to speed...
I made a copy of Kathryn's review in the wiki, linked it from the 2005 minutes and the BALUG page, and locked changes to admin only for all main minutes pages except current year (it would suck for those to get defaced, great work "balugadmin" for most of those!) and the review.
Anyone with additions/changes for locked wiki pages who don't happen to have postnuke admin access can probably just suggest those changes here and someone who can will probably act on it (if its something other than blanking a page and writing "hakzoord bie l33t hakoor" anyways).