"Will code for Chinese" food T-shirt put out in 1998 by BALUG?
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Jose Medeiros" jose.medeiros@gmail.com Date: March 4, 2007 5:27:34 PM PST To: "jim stockford" jim@well.com Cc: "Conspire list" conspire@linuxmafia.com Subject: Re: [conspire] Gumstix at the BALUG March meeting
Hi Jim,
Just out of curiosity for what practical purposes would you use such a small computer with out video out? From what I can tell, there only appears to be a Flash slot, Ethernet port and possibly a USB port.
Although the commute if far from San Jose, the drive might be worth it for the Chinese food. If I recall your group was the one that handed out the T'shirts that stated " Will code for Chinese food ", back in 1998 or so?
Warm Regards,
Jose Medeiros http://www.sjpc.org/~medeiros
On 3/4/07, jim stockford jim@well.com wrote:
Gordon Kruberg (CEO) and Craig Hughes (CTO) of
Gumstix will be speaking at the March BALUG meeting (March 20, drinks at 6:30, dinner at 7:10, speakers around 8). Gumstix ( http://www.gumstix.com/ ) makes very small form factor computers with linux installed. Come to the Four Seas restaurant ( http://www.gumstix.com/ ) on Grant near Sacramento and check it out. Dinner is $10 each, all you can eat and tasty. Bay Area Linux Users' Group (BALUG) has regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at the Four Seas restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. jim
conspire mailing list conspire@linuxmafia.com http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/conspire
Quoting jim stockford (jim@well.com):
"Will code for Chinese" food T-shirt put out in 1998 by BALUG?
http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/photos/geekshirts/balug_front.jpg http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/photos/geekshirts/balug_back.jpg