This _question_ (to which I've not replied) may or not keep arising, but I get the feeling that recruiters (and thus jobs postings) are back, because, it seems, the local job market is ramping up. Again.
Last time (about 1997-1999), pretty much all the LUG mailing lists were blitzed by recruiters' jobs postings -- to the point where many had to enact and (sometimes) enforce jobs _policies_.
In case we-all want to consider having one -- either now or when/if (e.g.) multiple duplicate postings per day become a problem -- here's CABAL's policy at :
While we appreciate the need for jobs postings, they easily overwhelm this small mailing list: So, you must submit them via e-mail to the listadmin, who'll decide whether to post them. Reasons why the answer has been "no" in the past have included their having already been posted to other local LUG mailing lists. (We get tired of seeing the same posts everywhere.)
----- Forwarded message from Kathryn Tate -----
To: From: Kathryn Tate Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 23:50:36 -0700 X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.622) Cc: Subject: [Balug-talk] why no job announcements?....
Why don't we see job announcements?
Can we change this?
_______________________________________________ mailing list
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