earlier BALUG, etc. services outages due to PG&E power outage
PG&E power outage: 2021-12-01: 1:36 PM -- 6:26 PM PST Which also takes systems offline (network equipment dependencies): Systems back online and operational again by (some requiring manual restart in this case) approximately: 9:09:02 PM PST
Impacted for the duration: IPs: 2001:470:1f04:19e::2 2001:470:1f05:19e::/64
DNS/Domains: balug.org e. sf-lug.org sf-lug.com sflug.org sflug.com sflug.net sf-lug.net berkeleylug.com DNS - reduced redundancy, masters off-line, DNS otherwise functional
Excluding DNS, services of the [L]UGs/SIGs associated with the above: BALUG - offline SF-LUG - offline except list still online (separately hosted) [Pi.]BerkeleyLUG - offline except list still online (separately hosted)