Hi Balug-admin, A new truBrain account has been created for you. Click the url below to activate your account and select a password! https://trubrain.freshdesk.com/register/eI5do3Ps3KFRepKr0VPh If the above URL does not work try copying and pasting it into your browser. If you continue to have problems, please feel free to contact us. Regards, truBrain
There's some significant weirdness in this. 'team@trubrain.com' is currently a digest-mode subscriber to this mailing list.
TruBrain, found online at Learn.TruBrain.com, is a company that promises people access to “focus drinks,” said to help people with mental cognition, delivered directly to their door each month.
https://trubrain.com/pages/contact lists 'team@trubrain.com' as a role contact address.
The referenced 'https://trubrain.freshdesk.com/register/eI5do3Ps3KFRepKr0VPh' URL provides the ability to 'Activate your freskdesk account' for user 'Balug-admin'.
I don't know exactly what set this situation up, but I think this is badness and therefore just now removed subscriber team@trubrain.com from this mailing list.
I wrote:
I don't know exactly what set this situation up, but I think this is badness and therefore just now removed subscriber team@trubrain.com from this mailing list.
Recently, someone subscribed each of the SVLUG mailing lists to a Sympa-software mailing list at a large mailing list site -- a rather bizarre thing to even attempt to do. I deferred action while wondering WTF someone was doing, then predictably the next time I posted to svlug@lists.svlug.org received an offlist notice that my 'posting' to the _other_ remote mailing list was being held for approval (because I wasn't subscribed to the remote Sympa list, only 'svlug@lists.svlug.org'.
This clearly was not a tolerable situation, so I removed all of those subscriptions.
My guess is either mischief or some bizarre variety of user mishap.