Well, we're getting relatively close to meeting time.
I was thinking I'd send a reminder to the announce list.
Any other news or items/updates, etc., I should add to or include with that?
Anyway, I'd like to get the "reminder" out rather/quite soon (like say, within 24 hours). If there's something that doesn't make it in that "announcement" we could probably catch it on one after the 2005-10-18 meeting (unless it's so time critical or important it should go out sooner).
Do we have anything yet set up or confirmed for the Nov. meeting regarding speaker/presentation? Any date changes for the Nov. and/or Dec. meetings due to timing relative to holidays or anything like that?
I know USENIX would also like various user groups to mention the upcoming LISA conference - I could include a tiny blurb on that (with relevant link where one could get all the details if interested to know more).
Also, hopefully we're all set for 2005-10-18 meeting with our "regular" room location, and video adapter thingy and microphone set-up - has anyone confirmed all that?