Passing this along because of the offer to speak at the Sept. 19 meeting. I'm guessing that is a new offer, as I see nothing about this on the Web site or recent mailing list archive entries.
I'm assuming the answer is "yes" but that somebody _ELSE_ is going to nail down details with her, I hope. ;-> I'm just back from a week out of town, and digging out from a pile of e-mails and other things. (Also, I've never handled speaker arrangements, and am about 60km out of town.)
I'll straighten out her confusion about the e-mail addresses.
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Subject: RE: Job Posting Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 15:23:56 -0700 From: Rebecca Witt To:
Hi Rick,
I just send a message to: and it bounced. I've attached the message for your reference.
Thanks, Rebecca
-----Original Message----- From: Rick Moen [] Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:41 PM To: Rebecca Witt Cc: Subject: Re: Job Posting
Quoting Rebecca Witt (
I was wondering if you distribute job postings to your members?
BALUG welcomes jobs postings from companies that are willing to, at the same time, submit proposals for a technical talks to our membership at one of the upcoming monthly meetings. If Friendster would like to do that, we'd love it! Full details are at , the "listinfo" page for our main mailing list -- which also specifies the mailing list address you can then send your jobs posting to.
(We would not need to distribute your posting for you; you'd just post it directly.)
Subject: Proposed talk at BALUG Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 15:21:33 -0700 From: Rebecca Witt To:
While I don't have a confirmed speaker yet, it's going to be someone from our Ops team or the VP of Eng himself! The talk will have something to do with Friendster's use of open-source technology in large-scale production. Any requests!?! This would be for the 9/19 meeting at Four Seas correct?
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