The BALUG Wiki is "temporarily" (mostly) down for a bit.
I'm integrating WordPress (not for BALUG, but for BerkeleyLUG)
on same host & server ... that required web server to use newer
php version to work with WordPress ... which has "temporarily"
(mostly) broken the BALUG Wiki.
Index pages themselves still appear to work, e.g.:
but contents pages, e.g.:
presently fail.
I'm hoping/presuming it's just some config bit(s) I need to track down
and correct/adjust, then all should be fine again.
Unless someone convinces me otherwise (unlikely),
I'll probably proceed fairly soon, to reconfigure the
BALUG VM (Virtual Machine) - (host
and likewise "vicki" (hostname vicki - and the sometimes /
semi-regular physical host of the BALUG VM)
to default to using UTC.
To minimize surprises/disruptions - in addition to this notice,
I'll probably make that change upon a (re)boot of those hosts
(e.g. on reboot, go to single user mode, reconfigure,
then reboot per normal to multi-user).
o security, etc. - many won't even consider looking at logs if they're
not in UTC
o no matter who uses it from where on the planet, one zone all can (well
approximately) reasonably agree upon
o no need/reason to change it in the (unlikely) even it moves to another
physical location, or timezone at existing physical location changes
o "principle of least surprise" - if it was a whole bunch 'o local folks
doing admin, etc. on the box, and especially more "jr." folks, local
would be of least surprise. But alas, yours truly does >>~=99.7 %
of the systems administration, etc. on those hosts, so that being
the case, and having been the case quite a while, and seeming improbable
to change ... for me, that "principle of least surprise", and other
reasons/advantages ... UTC
o Users can always use TZ setting to whatever they wish that's available,
we're only talking about the system default timezone, e.g.:
$ TZ=America/Los_Angeles; export TZ
Magic 8-ball (i.e., logcheck on says:
System Events
May 30 10:05:36 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
May 30 10:30:43 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone serial number (1558622463) received from master < ours (1558799278)
May 30 10:32:42 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
May 30 10:57:43 linuxmafia named[11750]: zone serial number (1558725628) received from master < ours (1558799284)
Michael, O Great Oracle of the DNS master, before I go expunging the
local cached zone on so as to converge in the master,
any thoughts or desire to act on your end? Normally, I would expect the
current situation to be _strenuously avoided_ by never taking S/Ns in a
retrograde direction on a zone's DNS master, so I infer that
investigation may be in order (or at least brief discussion).