Well, reasonable opinions will reasonably differ. :-) Appreciate the opinions and critique, etc. Maybe also tightening up the hysteresis (delay) time, from, e.g. 2 days, to ... something more like 2 hours, would also help.
The additional introductory text sent also makes things fairly clear too ... and it's also on the list pages, and was well covered on the lists long ago. I suppose the only way one could never get exposed to that text would be if the subscription was done entirely via email - they it may be fair bit more of a surprise. But kind'a unlikely folks would do that, as most all the pointers start with the web pages. Unless folks happen to know the lists are Mailman, and what those conventions are for interacting with it via email ... but even then to find the post addresses to be able to figure out the -request addresses, where does one see the posting addresses? On the same web page that's used for subscribing - and has the relevant text there.
Anyway, the boiler plate additional text I've been sending when "auto-subscribing" folks ... and it can probably do with at least some bit of update (haven't had anyone yet to get auto-subscribed since we've added the BALUG-Test list): $ cat add_to_announce.txt Per BALUG's policy,
If an e-mail address is subscribed to one or more BALUG lists other than BALUG-Announce, but not subscribed to BALUG-Announce, we may subscribe the e-mail address to BALUG-Announce.
In general, if one is subscribed to any of BALUG's lists, one should also be subscribed to BALUG-Announce (most notably to receive important BALUG announcements which may not be sent to BALUG lists other than BALUG-Announce).
If for some reason one doesn't want that to happen, see: http://www.balug.org/lists/balug-announce-do-not-auto-add.html
references: http://www.balug.org/ http://lists.balug.org/listinfo.cgi/balug-announce-balug.org http://lists.balug.org/listinfo.cgi/balug-talk-balug.org http://lists.balug.org/listinfo.cgi/balug-admin-balug.org http://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-admin-balug.org/2007-December/000470.... http://lists.balug.org/pipermail/balug-talk-balug.org/2007-December/004105.h... $
Anyway, I should update that boiler plate text before the next time it's used.
From: "Rick Moen" rick@linuxmafia.com Subject: Re: [BALUG-Admin] "automatically" subscribe to BALUG-Announce if ... - various descriptive updates, etc. Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 10:45:02 -0700
Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu):
Basic idea is if one is subscribed to BALUG-Talk and/or BALUG-Admin, but not BALUG-Announce, one gets subscribed to BALUG-announce ... but there's also an exception process if one really doesn't want that.
I continue to think this is a blunder.
Autosubscribing people to mailing lists is going to get BALUG in trouble, one day. It[1] is widely considered an egregious violation of netiquette and gets domains on DNS blocklists.
[1] 'It' meaning subscribing anyone to an MLM without the standard three-way confirmation process or close equivalent.