BALUG meeting 2006-01-17: XML11 - An Abstract Windowing Protocol by Arno Puder
For our January 17th, 2006 meeting BALUG has an exiting presentation lined up:
Title: XML11 - An Abstract Windowing Protocol
Abstract: This presentation introduces XML11, an abstract windowing protocol inspired by the X11-protocol develop by MIT. XML11 is an XML-based protocol that allows asynchronous UI updates of widgets to an end-device. To overcome high-latency connections, XML11 allows migration of application logic to the end-device. The prototype implementation of XML11 runs in any standard web browser without Java capabilities on the client-side and replaces AWT/Swing on the server-side. This also allows us to expose legacy AWT/Swing applications as web applications. Ultimately XML11 can be used for writing Ajax applications without requiring any JavaScript knowledge. The prototype implementation of XML11 is released under the GPL and available at
Bio: Arno Puder received his masters and Ph.D. in computer science and is currently working as an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University. He is one of the founders of the MICO CORBA implementation. His special interests include distributed systems, middleware architectures and ubiquitous computing environments.
Meeting time, location, etc (also on the BALUG web site): 7:00 P.M. PST $11.00 fee for dinner Four Seas Restaurant 731 Grant Ave., 3rd Floor Banquet Facility: "The China Room" San Francisco, CA 94108-2113 Feel free to join us as early as 6:30 P.M. at the bar for social chat, etc. before the main meeting.