BALUG TOMRROW! Tu 2011-02-15 BALUG meeting
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2011-02-15
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2011-02-15 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicise the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past five or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover LINUX and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on LINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 2011-02-15
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
BALUG TOMRROW! Tu 2011-01-18 BALUG meeting
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2011-01-18
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2011-01-18 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicise the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past five or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover LINUX and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on LINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 2011-01-18
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
There is no BALUG meeting this December (we usually skip December).
Next BALUG meeting date: 2011-01-18
Watch this announce list and/or our main web site page for updates.
BALUG meeting TOMORROW Tu 2010-11-16: Mark Terranova on Fedora (14),
etc.; & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-11-16 Tu: BALUG meeting Tu: Mark Terranova on Fedora (14), etc.
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-11-16
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-11-16 meeting, we're proud to present:
Mark Terranova on Fedora[1] (14), etc.
Mark Terranova will be giving a talk about Fedora and the recently
(2010-11-02) released Fedora 14. He will also speak some about his
experiences with Local tech stuff.
Mark Terranova is a "West Coast Community-Developed-Software guy".
Mark has regularly taught many types of computer classes specializing
in the benefits of Linux and Cross-Platform Software.
He has been involved with spreading Linux for a while. He has helped
organize Linux Release Parties and other tech events that make it fun -
using beer, BBQ, and other ways to create a fun community. He has spent
much time in Portland, Oregon working with[2]. Their
unique style helped him learn how to involve more people in computing.
This knowledge has helped him in his role as co-founder of
Gidget Kitchen[3] (GK). "Gidget Kitchen donates computers, generally
using Ubuntu, to groups and individuals." GK strives to make modern
technology simple, empowering, and easy for everyone to understand.
The only requirement is the ability to "play well with others."
Mark blames his interest in technical things and electronics on his
father Michael. "He gave me a Commodore 64 and helped me get my
amateur radio license (N6TBD) at an early age".
See also a bit further below for some additional goodies we'll have at
this meeting (CDs, etc.)
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and dining arrangements and such.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 2010-11-16
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
Additional goodies we'll have at this meeting (at least the following):
We'll have various Linux/Ubuntu/Fedora CDs available at the 2010-11-16
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team and others for
getting CDs to us.
BALUG TOMRROW! Tu 2010-10-19 BALUG meeting; & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-10-19 Tu: TOMORROW! BALUG meeting
Linux Lawyers (& software for Laywers)
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-10-19
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2010-10-19 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicise the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past five or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover LINUX and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on LINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 2010-10-19
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
Linux Lawyers (& software for Laywers)
From Martyn Collins talk/presentation at BALUG last month on 2010-09-21,
he also provided BALUG with "a list of the applications I find essential
in making my solo practice viable":…
We'll also have various Linux/Ubuntu CDs available at the 2010-10-19
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to
REMINDER+: BALUG meeting Tomorrow Tu 2010-09-21: Martyn Collins: Linux
Lawyers (converted his solo law office to Linux); & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-09-21 Tu: BALUG meeting Tu:
Martyn Collins: Linux Lawyers (converted his solo law office to Linux)
Books for BALUG!
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
2010-10-01--2010-10-03 Joomla Day West 2010
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tomorrow Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-09-21
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-09-21 meeting, we're proud to present
Martyn Collins of All-Access Law on Linux Lawyers. Martyn Collins
converted his solo law office to Linux in November 2009. He's not
looked back since. He'll be talking to us about his experience in
making the move, as well as his thoughts about Linux and lawyers.
See also a bit further below for some additional goodies we'll have at
this meeting (books, CDs, etc.)
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and dining arrangements and such.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, September 21th, 2010 2010-09-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
Additional goodies we'll have at this meeting (at least the following):
Pearson Education User Group Program: Books - review copies for BALUG
We have at least the following books to give away:
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
o By Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley
o Published Jul 14, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Dimensions: 7 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 1344
o Edition: 4th
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-148005-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-148005-6
Official Ubuntu Book, The, 5th Edition
o By Benjamin Mako Hill, Matthew Helmke, Corey Burger
o Published Jun 21, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2010
o Dimensions: 7 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 448
o Edition: 5th
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-708130-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708130-1
We also have an additional book or two from local Linux authors. If we
manage to confirm author(s) for a BALUG meeting later this year, we'd
give the corresponding book away at that meeting. If not, at least one
of those books will be given away at a BALUG meeting (possibly as soon
as our upcoming Tuesday meeting) this year. (BUUG
( has first dibs on the Mark Sobell book if BALUG
doesn't secure Mark Sobell as speaker at BALUG this year). Those books
Official Ubuntu Server Book, The, 2nd Edition
o By Kyle Rankin, Benjamin Mako Hill
o Published Aug 8, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Pages: 592
o Edition: 2nd
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-708133-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708133-2
o eBook ISBN-10: 0-13-216798-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-216798-7
Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, A, 3rd Edition
o By Mark G. Sobell
o Published Aug 12, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Dimensions: 7-3/8 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 1320
o Edition: 3rd
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-254248-X ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254248-7
o eBook ISBN-10: 0-13-248334-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-248334-6
Also of note:
o Appears all of the books mentioned above are also available as eBook
(may be watermarked), though I didn't spot ISBN-10/ISBN-13 numbers
for some of them (see the referenced URLs).
o Kyle Rankin and Mark Sobell are both local Linux authors, and both
have spoken at BALUG before.
o this book:
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
generally comes highly recommended - especially for those new(er) to
UNIX and Linux systems administration, but probably also still a handy
reference for those with up through at least intermediate levels of
experience on any particular flavor of UNIX/Linux where they may find
themselves doing systems administration.
We'll also have various Linux/Ubuntu CDs available at the 2010-09-21
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to
2010-10-01--2010-10-03 Joomla Day West 2010…
BALUG meeting Tu 2010-09-21: Martyn Collins: Linux Lawyers (converted
his solo law office to Linux); & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-09-21 Tu: BALUG meeting Tu:
Martyn Collins: Linux Lawyers (converted his solo law office to Linux)
Books for BALUG!
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-09-21
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-09-21 meeting, we're proud to present
Martyn Collins of All-Access Law on Linux Lawyers. Martyn Collins
converted his solo law office to Linux in November 2009. He's not
looked back since. He'll be talking to us about his experience in
making the move, as well as his thoughts about Linux and lawyers.
See also a bit further below for some additional goodies we'll have at
this meeting (books, CDs, etc.)
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
rsvp at
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and dining arrangements and such.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, September 21th, 2010 2010-09-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
Additional goodies we'll have at this meeting (at least the following):
Pearson Education User Group Program: Books - review copies for BALUG
We have at least the following books to give away:
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
o By Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein, Ben Whaley
o Published Jul 14, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Dimensions: 7 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 1344
o Edition: 4th
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-148005-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-148005-6
Official Ubuntu Book, The, 5th Edition
o By Benjamin Mako Hill, Matthew Helmke, Corey Burger
o Published Jun 21, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2010
o Dimensions: 7 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 448
o Edition: 5th
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-708130-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708130-1
We also have an additional book or two from local Linux authors. If we
manage to confirm author(s) for a BALUG meeting later this year, we'd
give the corresponding book away at that meeting. If not, at least one
of those books will be given away at a BALUG meeting (possibly as soon
as our upcoming Tuesday meeting) this year. (BUUG
( has first dibs on the Mark Sobell book if BALUG
doesn't secure Mark Sobell as speaker at BALUG this year). Those books
Official Ubuntu Server Book, The, 2nd Edition
o By Kyle Rankin, Benjamin Mako Hill
o Published Aug 8, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Pages: 592
o Edition: 2nd
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-708133-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708133-2
o eBook ISBN-10: 0-13-216798-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-216798-7
Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, A, 3rd Edition
o By Mark G. Sobell
o Published Aug 12, 2010 by Prentice Hall.
o Copyright 2011
o Dimensions: 7-3/8 X 9-1/8
o Pages: 1320
o Edition: 3rd
o Book ISBN-10: 0-13-254248-X ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254248-7
o eBook ISBN-10: 0-13-248334-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-248334-6
Also of note:
o Appears all of the books mentioned above are also available as eBook
(may be watermarked), though I didn't spot ISBN-10/ISBN-13 numbers
for some of them (see the referenced URLs).
o Kyle Rankin and Mark Sobell are both local Linux authors, and both
have spoken at BALUG before.
o this book:
UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition
generally comes highly recommended - especially for those new(er) to
UNIX and Linux systems administration, but probably also still a handy
reference for those with up through at least intermediate levels of
experience on any particular flavor of UNIX/Linux where they may find
themselves doing systems administration.
We'll also have various Linux/Ubuntu CDs available at the 2010-09-21
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to
BALUG TOMRROW! Tu 2010-08-17 BALUG meeting; & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-08-17 Tu: TOMORROW! BALUG meeting
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
2010-08-21 Sa: Picn*x 19 - The Linux 19th Anniversary Picnic
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-08-17
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2010-08-17 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have
a specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicise the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past five or so years - including last month's meeting). Got
questions, answers, and/or opinions? We typically have some expert(s)
and/or relative expert(s) present to cover LINUX and related topic
areas. Want to hear some interesting discussions on LINUX and other
topics? Show up at the meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if
you wish. Want to help ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up
for future meetings? Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be
one of the speaker coordinators. Good food, good people, and
interesting conversations to be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 2010-08-17
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
We'll also have various Linux/Ubuntu CDs available at the 2010-08-17
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to
2010-08-21 Sa: Picn*x 19 - The Linux 19th Anniversary Picnic
BALUG Tu 2010-07-20 BALUG meeting; & other BALUG news
In this issue (details further below):
2010-07-20: BALUG meeting
Linux/Ubuntu CDs
2010-08-21: Picn*x 19 - The Linux 19th Anniversary Picnic
2010-06-15: Michael Paoli on vi - materials/"slides"
"Working in the Business" (Linux, IT, etc.), panel discussion
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-07-20
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2010-07-20 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have
a specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings. Got
questions, answers, and/or opinions? We typically have some expert(s)
and/or relative expert(s) present to cover LINUX and related topic
areas. Want to hear some interesting discussions on LINUX and other
topics? Show up at the meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if
you wish. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to be
Also, if you're interested and willing to do a talk/presentation at
a BALUG meeting, or do or may know someone that would be interested in
doing so, please feel free to drop us a note or contact us - you can
find the information on how to reach us on our main web page.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 2010-07-20
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
We'll also have various Linux/Ubuntu CDs available at the 2010-07-20
BALUG meeting (and likely also future meetings as long as our supply
lasts/continues), most notably presently including:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
(also at least some Fedora, Knoppix, and other Ubuntu variants presently)
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to
2010-08-21: Picn*x 19 - The Linux 19th Anniversary Picnic
2010-06-15: The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage,
presented by Michael Paoli
Looking for the materials/"slides" from last month's meeting?
For the "slides":
archived copy:
from the speaker/presenter (may include updates):
and for the vi/ex quick reference tri-fold "cards" handed out:
"Working in the Business" (Linux, IT, etc.), panel discussion
BALUG is working to assemble panel (and moderator) for
"Working in the Business" (Linux, IT, etc.), panel discussion
Should make for very interesting, lively, informative and useful
For more information, and also
if you know someone you'd like as panelist or moderator (or are yourself
interested), and/or if you have specific topics/questions you'd like to
see covered by the panel,
PANELISTS, MODERATORS, available dates, etc., to plan and coordinate
this event. Please also do feel free to pass this information along to
any contacts you feel appropriate that may be interested.
REMINDER: TOMORROW: BALUG Tu 2010-06-15 The vi editor, introduction
through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
Also at tomorrow's meeting, CDs:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to us.
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-06-15
The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2010-06-15 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
Don't know what vi is? New to vi, or been using vi for years? Whatever
familiarity and experience you do or don't have with vi, this
presentation promises to include something useful for everyone. It will
cover from basic introduction to vi, through many powerful and useful
tips and tricks (e.g. handy and powerful editing operations, and
leveraging vi to do much more than "just" edit files). Some of the
differences and advantages and disadvantages of various vi
implementations (historic vi, nvi, vim, etc.) will also be covered.
While vi may be simply and modestly described as "a screen oriented
text editor", vi is in fact the standard (and de facto standard) text
editor for at least UNIX, Linux, and BSD environments, and it's also
been ported to many other environments. But don't underestimate vi just
because it's "standard". vi is a quite powerful and capable editor, and
greatly outperforms the text editing capabilities of many other editors.
Michael Paoli has been using vi for well over a quarter century, from
humble beginnings with introductory documentation and quick reference
card in hand, to oft repeated, "Wow, how did you do that?" remarks from
co-workers watching some of his vi wranglings. He's also been doing
Linux systems administration for over a dozen years, and used UNIX all
the way back to his humble vi beginnings.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 2010-06-15
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).