BALUG: Tu 2009-11-17 Mark Terranova on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-11-17
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-11-17 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
2009-11-17 Mark Terranova on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala[1]
Mark Terranova will be giving a talk about what is new in Ubuntu[2]'s
newest release - Karmic Koala. He will also speak some about his
experiences with Local tech stuff.
Mark Terranova is a "West Coast Community-Developed-Software guy". Mark
has regularly taught many types of computer classes specializing in the
benefits of Linux and Cross-Platform Software.
He has been involved with spreading Ubuntu for a while. He has helped
organize Ubuntu Release Parties and other tech events that make it fun
- using beer, BBQ, and other ways to create a fun community. He has
spent much time in Portland, Oregon working with[3]. Their
unique style helped him learn how to involve more people in computing.
This knowledge has helped him in his role as co-founder of Gidget
Kitchen[4] (GK). "Gidget Kitchen donates computers, generally using
Ubuntu, to groups and individuals." GK strives to make modern
technology simple, empowering, and easy for everyone to understand. The
only requirement is "the ability to play well with others."
Mark blames his interest in technical things and electronics on his
father Michael. "He gave me a Commodore 64 and helped me get my amateur
radio license (N6TBD) at an early age".
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 2009-11-17
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
Reminder TOMORROW!:
BALUG: Tu 2009-10-20 Understanding the Power of Hybrid Hosting:
Dedicated Plus Clouds by Paul Lancaster of GoGrid/ServePath
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-10-20
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-10-20 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
Understanding the Power of Hybrid Hosting: Dedicated Plus Clouds by
Paul Lancaster of GoGrid[1]/ServePath[2]
Cloud Computing isn't for everyone, neither is leasing dedicated server
environments. However, when you combine the two, the end result is a
hosting solution that will make your business successful. We call it
Hybrid Hosting. Capitalizing on the dynamic, scalability of GoGrid's
Cloud Hosting and the robust, high I/O throughput of dedicated
infrastructure, Hybrid Hosting is a way to manage complex,
high-availability infrastructures that meet demand, performance and
cost concerns.
Paul Lancaster is one of the founding employees of ServePath/GoGrid and
leads Business Development. Paul has been in the Internet industry for
the past 15 years working for software and services companies in
technical and business roles. Paul enjoys playing guitar when he is not
at his keyboard or spending time with his 6 year old daughter.
GoGrid[1]: Blog[3] Wiki[4] Twitter[5]
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 2009-10-20
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
BALUG: Tu 2009-10-20 Understanding the Power of Hybrid Hosting:
Dedicated Plus Clouds by Paul Lancaster of GoGrid/ServePath
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-10-20
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-10-20 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
Understanding the Power of Hybrid Hosting: Dedicated Plus Clouds by
Paul Lancaster of GoGrid[1]/ServePath[2]
Cloud Computing isn't for everyone, neither is leasing dedicated server
environments. However, when you combine the two, the end result is a
hosting solution that will make your business successful. We call it
Hybrid Hosting. Capitalizing on the dynamic, scalability of GoGrid's
Cloud Hosting and the robust, high I/O throughput of dedicated
infrastructure, Hybrid Hosting is a way to manage complex,
high-availability infrastructures that meet demand, performance and
cost concerns.
Paul Lancaster is one of the founding employees of ServePath/GoGrid and
leads Business Development. Paul has been in the Internet industry for
the past 15 years working for software and services companies in
technical and business roles. Paul enjoys playing guitar when he is not
at his keyboard or spending time with his 6 year old daughter.
GoGrid[1]: Blog[3] Wiki[4] Twitter[5]
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 2009-10-20
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
Just a reminder folks, TOMORROW:
BALUG: Tu 2009-09-15 Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools: Help
yourself by helping the underdog
BALUG: Tu 2009-09-15 Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools:
Help yourself by helping the underdog
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-09-15
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-09-15 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools:
Help yourself by helping the underdog
Schools and Linux should really fit together hand-in-hand. Schools
need robust, low cost infrastructure, and the Linux community needs
more widespread adoption to avoid marginalization on the desktop.
Schools offer the potential to become channels for distribution and
socialization for Linux. Christian Einfeldt is a community organizer
who has worked for more than 5 years to bring Linux to two local public
schools, and will draw on this experience to talk about what schools
need to go further with Linux, and how schools can help create greater
mindshare for Linux.
Christian Einfeldt has been using GNU-Linux in his law practice since
late 2000. Einfeldt is a relatively simple end user who runs whichever
distro is favored by the guru helping him. Currently, that means
regular old brown Ubuntu (GNOME), but in the past has included openSUSE
(KDE). Einfeldt is also fond of Xubuntu, as it runs quite well and
installs easily on dead badgers and other odd ball legacy hardware that
he and others are adminning at two local school FOSS projects supported
by Bay Area GNUsters and Penguinistas. You know who you are.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 2009-09-15
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
BALUG: Tu 2009-09-15 Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools: Help
yourself by helping the underdog
BALUG: Tu 2009-09-15 Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools:
Help yourself by helping the underdog
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-09-15
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-09-15 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
Christian Einfeldt on: Linux in schools:
Help yourself by helping the underdog
Schools and Linux should really fit together hand-in-hand. Schools
need robust, low cost infrastructure, and the Linux community needs
more widespread adoption to avoid marginalization on the desktop.
Schools offer the potential to become channels for distribution and
socialization for Linux. Christian Einfeldt is a community organizer
who has worked for more than 5 years to bring Linux to two local public
schools, and will draw on this experience to talk about what schools
need to go further with Linux, and how schools can help create greater
mindshare for Linux.
Christian Einfeldt has been using GNU-Linux in his law practice since
late 2000. Einfeldt is a relatively simple end user who runs whichever
distro is favored by the guru helping him. Currently, that means
regular old brown Ubuntu (GNOME), but in the past has included openSUSE
(KDE). Einfeldt is also fond of Xubuntu, as it runs quite well and
installs easily on dead badgers and other odd ball legacy hardware that
he and others are adminning at two local school FOSS projects supported
by Bay Area GNUsters and Penguinistas. You know who you are.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 2009-09-15
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
BALUG: REMINDER - TOMORROW!: Tu 2009-08-18 OpenHatch: Community tools
for open source: Asheesh Laroia, Raphael Krut-Landau and Karen
Rustad; next month ...
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-08-18
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-08-18 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
OpenHatch is an online network for open source geeks. The
fragmentation of Free Software means it's hard to know where you can
make a difference. OpenHatch provides a profile engine so you can
showcase the contributions you've made and a cross-project bug search
engine to help you find issues targeted at your skills and passions.
OpenHatch is looking for feedback on their early alpha, enthusiastic
testers, and ideas about other community tools that can enrich the open
source experience. The time will be split between a presentation and
Q&A from the audience.
Asheesh is the data seducer at OpenHatch. He is a Debian Developer,
was a software engineer for Creative Commons, and put 288 inflatable
pink flamingos on his campus quad. He has written testimony in an EFF
copyright case and volunteered for the World Food Programme in Uganda.
Asheesh will be joined by his two colleagues at OpenHatch, Raphael
Krut-Landau and Karen Rustad. Karen served on the board of Students
for Free Culture for two years and has built viral media outreach
campaigns for Open Access advocacy group, SPARC. Raphael is a Linux
enthusiast and web applications designer.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 2009-08-18
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
After meeting meeting (?)
Presuming enough folks want to after the main meeting, those interested
may gather at a nearby venue (e.g. pub) for further discussion on, e.g.:
o BALUG steering committee (talk about what BALUG wants/needs to do and
possible changes, etc.)
o stuff one can do to help BALUG
o ideas for possible future talks/presentations (got contacts/leads?)
o random Linux, etc. topics
o random networking
o discussion of topic(s) from/for meetings current, past, and future
o insert your topic here :-)
Next month's BALUG meeting:
2009-09-15 Christian Einfeld on: Help yourself by helping the
underdog... public schools. (Linux, Open Source, ...)
BALUG: Tu 2009-08-18 OpenHatch: Community tools for open source:
Asheesh Laroia, Raphael Krut-Landau and Karen Rustad; + other news
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-08-18
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-08-18 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
OpenHatch is an online network for open source geeks. The
fragmentation of Free Software means it's hard to know where you can
make a difference. OpenHatch provides a profile engine so you can
showcase the contributions you've made and a cross-project bug search
engine to help you find issues targeted at your skills and passions.
OpenHatch is looking for feedback on their early alpha, enthusiastic
testers, and ideas about other community tools that can enrich the open
source experience. The time will be split between a presentation and
Q&A from the audience.
Asheesh is the data seducer at OpenHatch. He is a Debian Developer,
was a software engineer for Creative Commons, and put 288 inflatable
pink flamingos on his campus quad. He has written testimony in an EFF
copyright case and volunteered for the World Food Programme in Uganda.
Asheesh will be joined by his two colleagues at OpenHatch, Raphael
Krut-Landau and Karen Rustad. Karen served on the board of Students
for Free Culture for two years and has built viral media outreach
campaigns for Open Access advocacy group, SPARC. Raphael is a Linux
enthusiast and web applications designer.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 2009-08-18
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
After meeting meeting (?)
Presuming enough folks want to after the main meeting, those interested
may gather at a nearby venue (e.g. pub) for further discussion on, e.g.:
o BALUG steering committee (talk about what BALUG wants/needs to do and
possible changes, etc.)
o stuff one can do to help BALUG
o ideas for possible future talks/presentations (got contacts/leads?)
o random Linux, etc. topics
o random networking
o discussion of topic(s) from/for meetings current, past, and future
o insert your topic here :-)
Additional upcoming BALUG meetings:
2009-09-15 Christian Einfeld on: Help yourself by helping the
underdog... public schools. (Linux, Open Source, ...)
Missed the 2009-07-21 meeting on Regular Expressions? Slides, etc. See:
Picn*x 18 - The Linux 18th Anniversary Picnic
This coming Saturday 2009-08-15
BALUG: REMINDER - TOMORROW!: Tu 2009-07-21 Michael Paoli on Regular
Expressions; etc
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-07-21
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-07-21 BALUG meeting, we're excited to have Michael Paoli on
Regular Expressions[1]
Regular Expressions are a highly powerful tool for identifying strings
of text of interest (which may then be further manipulated, etc.)
Regular Expressions are present in a wide variety of
Linux/POSIX/SUS/UNIX/BSD tools, libraries, and languages, much - if not
most - of which is Open Source or for which Open Source versions exist.
Some examples include ed, grep, egrep, expr, vi, sed, awk, perl, C
(libraries), Apache, some shells, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and
many others. In this talk, Michael Paoli will give a whirlwind
overview of Regular Expressions basics, some of the more advanced and
powerful capabilities, comparative overview of how Regular Expressions
differ in many of the various places they're implemented, and various
interesting bits along the way.
Mostly in the contexts of Linux/UNIX systems administration and utility
programming, Michael Paoli has been wrangling Regular Expressions for
well over 15 years, including perl regular expressions for about a
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 2009-07-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
After meeting meeting (?)
Presuming enough folks want to after the main meeting, those interested
may gather at a nearby venue (e.g. pub) for further discussion on, e.g.:
o BALUG steering committee (talk about what BALUG wants/needs to do and
possible changes, etc.)
o stuff one can do to help BALUG
o ideas for possible future talks/presentations (got contacts/leads?)
o random Linux, etc. topics
o yet more regular expression stuff
o random networking
o insert your topic here :-)
BALUG: Tu 2009-07-21 Michael Paoli on Regular Expressions; + other news
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-07-21
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-07-21 BALUG meeting, we're excited to have Michael Paoli on
Regular Expressions[1]
Regular Expressions are a highly powerful tool for identifying strings
of text of interest (which may then be further manipulated, etc.)
Regular Expressions are present in a wide variety of
Linux/POSIX/SUS/UNIX/BSD tools, libraries, and languages, much - if not
most - of which is Open Source or for which Open Source versions exist.
Some examples include ed, grep, egrep, expr, vi, sed, awk, perl, C
(libraries), Apache, some shells, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and
many others. In this talk, Michael Paoli will give a whirlwind
overview of Regular Expressions basics, some of the more advanced and
powerful capabilities, comparative overview of how Regular Expressions
differ in many of the various places they're implemented, and various
interesting bits along the way.
Mostly in the contexts of Linux/UNIX systems administration and utility
programming, Michael Paoli has been wrangling Regular Expressions for
well over 15 years, including perl regular expressions for about a
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 2009-07-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13
After meeting meeting (?)
Presuming enough folks want to after the main meeting, those interested
may gather at a nearby venue (e.g. pub) for further discussion on, e.g.:
o BALUG steering committee (talk about what BALUG wants/needs to do and
possible changes, etc.)
o stuff one can do to help BALUG
o ideas for possible future talks/presentations (got contacts/leads?)
o random Linux, etc. topics
o yet more regular expression stuff
o random networking
o insert your topic here :-)
miscellaneous note for those paying really close attention - if you
earlier heard about or were expecting a "working in the business" type
panel discussion that was earlier mentioned for 2009-07-21, that will
likely get rescheduled for some future date (encountered too many folks
on vacation or otherwise unavailable, and insufficient lead time for
2009-07-21 to make a viable date for the panel discussion).
Additional upcoming BALUG meetings:
2009-08-18 (spearker/presentation to be determined/confirmed)
2009-09-15 Christian Einfeld on: Help yourself by helping the
underdog... public schools. (Linux, Open Source, ...)
BALUG: REMINDER - TOMORROW!: Tu 2009-06-16 Kyle Rankin on forensics
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2009-06-16
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our 2009-06-16 BALUG meeting, we're excited to have Kyle Rankin[1]
on forensics.
In this talk Kyle Rankin will provide an introduction to performing
forensics analysis on Linux machines using the popular Sleuth Kit[2]
tools with their easy-to-use Autopsy[3] web-based front-end. The talk
will cover initial installation and configuration of Sleuthkit and
Autopsy, basic concepts and considerations for a forensics
investigation, and at the end there will be a demo with a real,
compromised Linux image.
Kyle Rankin is a systems architect for Quinstreet, Inc.[4], the current
president of the North Bay Linux Users Group[5], the author of Knoppix
Hacks[6], Knoppix Pocket Reference[7], Linux Multimedia Hacks[8], and
Ubuntu Hacks[9] and has contributed to a number of other O'Reilly[10]
books. Kyle is also a columnist for Linux Journal[11] and has had
articles featured in PC Magazine[12], TechTarget[13] and other
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 2009-06-16
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Easy $5 PARKING: Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
Cost: The meetings are always free, but dinner is $13